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"Bye bye Minie!!" Taewon hugged before he holds his Namjoon's hand, waving with a smile as his mimi dimples appears.

"Bye Taewon." Jimin smiles and waves back, closing and locking the door after the Kim family left the doorstep.

"They're finally gone!"
Jungkook stretched and sighed out loudly in relief.

Jimin laughed and asked why, only to be answered with having an alone time which he agreed to it.

After the two took a bath together and wore their sleeping attire for the night, Jungkook sneakily nibbled on Jimin's neck as the smaller places some moisturizer on his face, feeling himself crack a smile from the bubbly and warm feeling.

"Yes Kookie?" Jimin smiles and turns his head to Jungkook who had a warm smile on him.

"Is there something on my face?" Jimin worriedly asks and wipes his forehead and cheeks.

Jungkook shakes his head and stands up properly, "It's you who is on your face." Before leaving their bedroom to grab a cup of water from the kitchen.

"What?" Jimin's eyebrows ruffled in confusion but didn't mind it and continued his evening routine.

"I'm back!! Meaning that we should start cuddling now!" Jungkook's head and voice suddenly appears by the door that made the older's heart almost jump.

Jimin didn't reply and showed the lip balm on his hand which is the final step of his routine. Jungkook pouted and walked towards him, no whatsoever emotions or a smile on his face.

Jimin's eyes widen in realization,
"Wait Jungkook not today-" He immediately says.

"Jimin, would you like to have kids someday?"

this is what Taewon looks like btw!!

-this is what Taewon looks like btw!!

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