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"Jungkook!! Look at Hobi hyung's face." Taehyung pointed at the Jung couple that were wearing their couple-scary masks.

The kids were playing with Jin and Jimin in the living room and the others were in the kitchen so that they couldn't see the scary masks that may appear in their dreams later night.

Jungkook turns his head from his phone with a baffled feeling on his chest, "Huh?" He then looks at Yoongi and Hoseok who were taking selfies with their scary masks on.

"I swear hyungs, if Mina sees you." Jungkook softly laughs as the said girl ran to them, who was asking for the bottle, screamed and suddenly cried on the floor.

"Oh Mina, appa's sorry!" Hoseok quickly removes his mask and hugs his daughter who was hiccuping and crying from what she have seen.

Hoseok then carries her and brings her to a part of the house where it was quiet, apologizing immediately as soon as he sees his husband glaring at him while he hands out the bottle of milk.

"Sorry, sorry." Hoseok whispers and hums to his daughter who was now softly hiccuping.

"I'm sorry Mina." Hoseok frowns and pecks Mina's forehead that was starting to sweat.

Yoongi then grabs Mina and places the suction of the bottle on her mouth as the girl immediately started sucking it, her head laying on Yoongi's shoulder as he started to make her fall asleep.

Hoseok worriedly looks at the both of them. Yoongi noticed this and smiles assuringly at him.
"Call me when she's asleep." Hoseok says and goes back to the kitchen were he was immediately teased by Taehyung.

"You know now hyung, you'll have to sleep beside her later tonight." Taehyung says and drinks the pepsi from his plastic cup with cupcake crumbs on the side of his mouth.

"And looks like you won't be able to receive a pre-halloween sex later tonight~" Jungkook grins and was able to avoid the punch on his arm.

"Shut up Jeon, you didn't even started the plan of proposing yet." Hoseok glares and covers his mouth after realizing what he had just said.

"Jungkook? You're going to propose?" Taehyung looked at the younger. "Let me be your special number for the night please! I'll sing those songs you two would play whenever you guys have these nights-"

"Hyung!!" Jungkook blushed and and crosses his arms.

"So, when? And how?" Namjoon asks and takes a bite on the mini cupcake.

"I don't know yet hyung but I have already bought the ring..."
Jungkook replies and was hugged by his best friend who was screaming right beside his ear.

"You're getting married!!!" Taehyung whisper-yells and was pushed back by Jungkook.

"Hyung!" Jungkook gave a warning glare at the older but smiled nonetheless.

With the happiness that was overflowing around the house, Jungkook couldn't help but worry get curious about the unknown number that texted him.

Who texted him a message about his boyfriend, Park Jimin.

'I guess I'll check it later after they leave.'

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