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"Kookie! The cupcakes in the oven!" Jimin giggled as he felt tickles on the side of his neck and arms tightening around his waist.

"Jiminie~ but you promised yesterday night." Jungkook whined and stopped as he places his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder, a smile forming on his face when he heard a soft giggle coming out from the older.

"But yesterday!-"

"I don't care." Jungkook deadpanned and Jimin laughed, placing the mittens over his hands as he grabs the cupcake tray from the oven.

"Look Kookie, they look so cute." Jimin smiled as he walks to the kitchen counter behind him, giggling once again as he felt the weight on his shoulder and back.

"But I'm cuter ~" Jimin turns around and winks at Jungkook who grins.

"Yah hyung, you learned this from Jin hyung didn't you?" Jungkook stole a peck from Jimin who went red.

"Jungkook! Don't just suddenly do that." Jimin smiles and prepares the different flavored and colored icing beside the tray of mini cupcakes.

"And besides, we will need to prepare at least seventy mini cupcakes for tomorrow's Halloween party at Jin hyung's house." Jimin says and sighs from the hint of fatigue he received from making these baked cupcakes ever since 10 am and now it is currently 2 in the afternoon.

"How about you rest first hyung? Let's watch a movie while we both cuddle." Jungkook suggests and turns Jimin to his direction as he cups his soft cheeks he always loves to peck and hold.

"I guess so but won't they get like, cold?" Jimin looks up and feels his heart fluttering from just the sight of his lovely boyfriend in front of him.

"Jin hyung will take care of that later hyung." Jungkook says.

"Oh yeah, what time will he arrive?" Jimin checks the time on his phone that was on the counter beside him.

"He'll come for around thirty minutes hyung...we have time." Jungkook says and kisses the smaller softly as he feels the other kiss back.

"I love you Jiminie~" Was all Jungkook said before he scoops the smaller to the living room to cuddle.

"Love you too!" Jimin laughed and enjoyed the little time they have before someone breaks their alone-time moment.

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