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"Yah Jeon Jungkook! Don't leave me here carrying this." Jimin yells as the younger runs to the vacant chair-tree. He ran so fast to the point his boyfriend couldn't catch up with him anymore and just decided to walk.

As soon as Jungkook arrived by the tree, he waved both of his arms in the air, his bunny smile so wide and eyes in the shape of the hint of crescents.

"Jungkook! You run too fast." Jimin huffs and immediately sits down on the grass, feeling his legs need rest. Jungkook then sat beside him and swiftly encircles his arm around Jimin's waist as Jimin did the same.

"Kookie...you know I'm yours right?" Jimin places his head on Jungkook's shoulder, he knew that whenever Jungkook would back hug or hold his waist it meant that Jungkook was scared of Jimin leaving or someone stealing his boyfriend.

"I know." Jungkook responds as his fingers hold properly the waist of his boyfriend. "It's just that there were men and women looking at your butt whenever we pass by. It's annoying." Jungkook scoffs, seeing a man in his twenties staring at his boyfriend which he had sent a glare after.

"Is it bad that I have this amazing butt?" Jimin whispers and slightly smirks as he looked up to his boyfriend who was too caught up checking their surroundings if there were still these people staring at his Jimin.

"Nope, in fact I love it. It feels squishy and soft whenever I get to squeeze and kiss—" Jungkook turns to the smaller and right away receives a slap on his shoulder, with the both of them breaking into laughter.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! There are children beside us."

Jungkook shrugged and said that he didn't care and was just telling the truth.

The couple spent twenty minutes chatting and laughing by the river as they lean their backs on the trunk of the big, strong tree. The warm, cozy wind and voices of families surround the park which made the atmosphere of the park happier for the two.

And this might be the best time to do it.

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