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"Eyo I'm a ghost! You should be scared at me or else I'll eat you!" Taehyung rawrs at the twins who were dressed as zombies.

The 6-year old twins rawred back with their plastic bloody dagger and knife as their props, making Taehyung startle a bit from the sharpness of the knife.

"Woah, woah kids! It's uncle Taehyung!!" He then removes his ghost mask, his boxy smile showing to the twins who sighed out of relief and thanked that it was just their uncle.

"Oh Jihyun and Jiyoon! I was looking for you two." The three looked back to see the twins' mother, Park Miyoon who was Taehyung's sister and the wife of Taehyung's friend, Park Jinyoung,

Taehyung flashed his smile at his older sister as she gives some bars of candy and chocolates to her children.

"Hey~ I also have chocolates!" Taehyung hands our a choco-vanilla flavored bar to the twins who gasped and immediately grabbed it, asking for another one which Taehyung gladly gave.

"Thank you, uncle, handsome Taehyung!" The two bowed and ran to the group of kids in the corner of the living room.

It was a halloween party but more on the reunion between the two friend-groups from highschool namely Bangtan, by the students there, which are Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin, and Jungkook.
Also, Got7 which is composed of everyone except Yugyeom.

Children and partners were socializing and having fun with each other at Namjoon and Jin's house and of course, Jin strictly have warned and forbidden any smell and sight of an alcoholic beverage around the house. And also no frick-fracking.

As the house were lively today, the couple were just calmly and happily chatting at the kitchen with a glass of raspberry smoothie in their hands, with laughs and jokes there.

"Oh gosh Jungkook! Jin hyung might here you if ever by chance he looks for his favorite dish." Jimin laughs and playfully slaps Jungkook's shoulder which was a normal thing to do, as the younger bunn-ily smiles at him.

"I can't help it! They interrupted our moment." Jungkook complains and looks at Jimin who was listening at him.

The two were wearing costumes that are kinda...related to each other? Well, Jungkook was wearing a bloody shirt, white pants, bloody face mask. Well his costume was about a brutally murdered college boy that may have been an attractive costume to Jimin?

And Jimin was wearing a vampire costume with blood on his fake, pointy teeth which supposedly scared everyone but when they saw him they quickly cooed at him.

When Jimin first saw his boyfriend, he couldn't stop blushing until a kiss from Jungkook stopped it, maybe.

"Well hyung...how about we do it now? Just the "pre" one please!" Jungkook holds his boyfriend's hands and looks at him in the eye with pleading eyes.

The other rolled his eyes at him and smacks his head, only to ruffle and peck it repeatedly after hearing a sob from Jungkook who was a professional in doing it.

"You know that Jin hyung will really get mad Kookie." Jimin hugs Jungkook whose head was laying on his chest, "Fine, but promise me hyung later..."

"You're kinda active today Kookie!" Jimin giggles and shudders as he feels his boyfriend's warm breathe tickling on his skin.

Jungkook hums in agreement, loving how his hyung's body was just as perfect for his body, warm and cuddly.

"Just tell me when we are going to have our halloween date outside..." Jungkook says and pecks Jimin's cheek before the others get suspicious of them missing.

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