Chapter 8

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The rest of that day, Ace watched over me as I rested to make sure I was alright. I felt bad for probably scaring him with it. I still felt bad for asking about what was wrong with him but he seemed to not even remember, although I'm sure he did.

Everything was back to normal 3 days later as we were made our way to Logan and Callie's room since it was a Saturday and we had pretty much all of the day to do whatever we wanted.

I knocked softly, Ace standing behind me. I heard someone jump up and a second later the door was pulled open.

I smiled at Callie as she motioned us in. I spotted Logan sitting in the bed closest to the door and gave him a small wave.

"Nice of you to finally show up." He joked and my jaw dropped.

"We're literally on time! And the other two aren't even here yet." I said looking to him with wide eyes to which he just laughed.

"I know, I was just bored. And she's been annoying be all morning." He said motioning to Callie and her jaw dropped as she plopped down on her bed. I walked over and sat next to her.

"If anything he's been the one being annoying, he keeps making me do stuff since he doesn't want to put his brace back on." She said motioning to the floor. I looked over with a slight laugh to see his leg brace laying there next to his bed. I looked up to him with raised brows and he shrugged.

"You try wearing that thing 24/7." Is all he said and I shook my head at the two. Right then another knock sounded at the door. I jumped up and pulled it open to see Camilla and Henry standing there. I stepped to the side, greeting them as they walked in.

"Don't worry guys, I'm here. The party can start now." Henry said and I flicked his shoulder before walking over to Callie's bed that Ace had just sat down on after Callie got up.

"So, we have several hours of free time with nothing to do so you know what that means." Camilla said wiggling her eyebrows at everyone and I just gave her a confused look.

"You guys are dumb as rocks. Let's play a game, duh. How about truth or dare?" She said shaking her head at us as she sat down on Logan's bed with Henry. Everyone agreed save for ace who just sat there watching everyone. I looked over to him with raised brows and he shook his head.

"I'll watch." He said and I nodded, grabbing Callie's pillow and putting it on my lap.

"Callie can you-" Logan started but he cut him off.

"Nope. Get it yourself." She said and he huffed.

"Camilla can you-" he started but Callie cut him off again.

"Don't do it." She said and Camilla just shrugged.

"Probably wasn't going to do it anyways." She replied and my lips turned up.

"Since truth or dare probably involves getting up can we play 5 finger game instead?" I asked and they turned to me giving me curious looks.

"Er- Never have I ever. You put 5 fingers up and go around saying never have I evers. If you've done it you put a finger down." I said and their mouths formed O's.

"Sure, that sounds better." Callie said sitting down on the bed to my left and everyone agreed.

"Will you play this one?" I turned to Ace and he shrugged.

"Sure." He said and I smiled at him before turning back to the group.

"I'll start, everyone put up 5 fingers." I said and everyone, including me, held up a hand. I thought for a second before smiling.

"Never have I ever smoked weed." I said and Camilla, Logan and Ace put down fingers. I raised my eyebrows at him but he just shrugged.

"Never have I ever gotten expelled or suspended." Callie said and I put a finger down.

"You didn't get suspended for punching a kid? Or destroying all that stuff?" Henry asked confused and she shook her head.

"Only got detention for a few days for punching the kid and I was pulled out of the school before they decided on a punishment. So technically no." She said and I smiled.

"Alright, your turn Henry." I said and he thought for a second.

"Never have I ever broken a bone- oh wait no. I broke my pinky, hold up." He said making us all laugh while he thought for another second.

"Never have I ever had surgery." He said and everybody except Callie put down a finger.

"Never have I ever set my school on fire." Camilla said with a smirk and Henry huffed before putting his first finger down.

"Rude." He said and I laughed at him as Logan thought for a second.

"Never have I ever worn underwear with lace on it." He finally sang with a smirk and I shook my head at him before putting down a finger. Camilla did the same and flicked him in the ankle.

I looked to Ace and he thought for a second.

"Never have I ever lost a fight." He said, the corners of his lips twitching up slightly.

"See? There's those murder vibes." Henry said with a laugh as he put down a finger. Logan put one down at the same time I did, leaving me with one finger left. I looked over to Callie to see she had all 5 fingers still up and decided I needed to catch her up.

"Never have I ever had blue eyes." I said and she and Henry put a finger down.

"Never have I ever drank alcohol." She said and my last finger went down.

"I'm out." I said and Logan nodded.

"Same." He said and Camilla spoke up too.

"Me too." She said, leaving Henry and Ace in with 1 finger each and Callie with 4.

"Never have I ever been shorter than 5'10... within the past week." Henry said, quickly added the last week part when he realized he has in fact been shorter than 5'10 in his life.

She put down a finger and Ace stayed in, him being the tallest one here. If I had to guess he was probably a few inches over 6 foot.

"Never have I ever been left handed." Ace said and Callie and Henry both put down fingers.

"Wait you guys are left handed?" I asked looking to their hands, having never noticed.

"Yep." Henry said while Callie nodded.

I let out a quiet 'huh' while nodding my head slowly.

"Never have I ever weighed over 130 pounds." Callie said smirking and Ace and Henry both put down their final finger.

"Congrats, you're the most boring." I said bumping her shoulder with mine and everyone laughed.

"Shut up." She mumbled, her lips turning up slightly.

"Again?" Logan asked and we agreed before putting up our hands again.

"Never have I ever gotten a tattoo." Henry said and everyone put fingers down except for me. My eyes went wide and jaw dropped as I looked around to everybody. Callie blushed while Logan laughed at my reaction. Camilla just shrugged and Ace looked down to me with an amused look.

"Wait what the hell?"

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