Chapter 21

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The next three days were stressful to say the least. We went about our normal routines, staying out of trouble and laying low.

When I woke up Monday morning, the sun hadn't even risen yet. I sat up in my bed and looked over to the clock that read 5:32.

I glanced to my left to see Ace was still sleeping. I flipped the covers off me and silently made my way over to the closet, grabbing a set of clothes before slipping into the bathroom.

I turned the water on and undressed, stepping in once it was warm enough.

The knot that had been in my stomach for the past few days twisted tighter as I went over the plan in my head.

I turned the water hotter and just stood there, letting it wash down my back as I bit the inside of my cheek, all the different ways we could fail running through my head. If we got caught, I didn't even want to imagine what they would do to us.

I shook the thoughts from my head as I washed my hair and body. I couldn't think like that. I couldn't risk getting distracted today.

I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower into the steamy bathroom, wrapping my white towel around me.

I quickly dressed and when I exited the bathroom, I saw that Ace was already up, digging in his backpack that was sat on his bed. He looked up to me and gave me a nod.

"You ready for today?" he asked and I took in a deep breath.

"Ready as I'll ever be."


As soon as we met the rest of the group at breakfast, the plan was in action. Each pair had their own jobs to get done, including Ace and I. Being a Monday, it was slightly more difficult than it would have been on the weekend since we had to work around everybody's schedule.

At the end of the day, we met in Ace and I's room.

"You got the food?" Ace asked Logan and Callie and they nodded. We didn't know how long it would take to get into any sort of civilization, so we were planning ahead and hoping for the best.

"Logan and Camilla, make sure to grab your blankets, its going to be cold out." I said and they nodded. I already had my backpack packed and had gone over everything what felt like a million times.

"Wear layers, its January and its going to be cold out." Ace said and everybody nodded. Ace started going through everything again, making sure everybody had everything that needed to be done finished and everything that we needed to bring packed.

"Alright, were getting the keycard at 11:50 tonight. That's when the guard walks by here. As we do that, Camilla and Henry you need to go to their room." Ace said motioning to Callie and Logan and they nodded.

"We'll be there by midnight and that's when we'll start moving." He finished off and I sucked in a deep breath.

"Is everyone ready then?" I asked and was met with nods.

"If we get caught..." Callie started but I cut her off.

"We're not going to get caught, we can do this."


I watched as the numbers on the clock slowly ticked down. Right as the 49 blinked and turned into a 50, I turned to Ace.

I opened my mouth to whisper to him but right as I did, soft footsteps started echoing down that hall, gradually getting louder as the guard got closer.

I placed my hand on the door knob and held my breath, waiting for him to get to our door.

"Now." Ace whispered and I pulled it open. Ace quickly jumped out and in a split second the guard was slumped to the floor. I paused but hurried forward and grabbed the guards left arm as Ace grabbed the right. We pulled him back into our room and shut the door quietly.

"Find the card." I said and we both set to work. I felt around and finally pulled the card out of his front breast pocket on his jacket.

"Got it." I said and Ace looked up and nodded, pulling the radio off the guard's belt and holding it up.

"This might come in handy." He said and I nodded. We both stood up and grabbed ahold of the unconscious man's arms again, this time dragging him into the bathroom.

Once he was in, we made our way to the door, slinging our backpacks onto our backs and looking to each other. I hesitated for a second as I put my hand on the knob and looked up to him. He tilted his head to the side slightly, his face barely lit, the moon casting shadows down upon his features.

Before I even had time to register what I was doing, I reached up, placing my hand behind his neck, standing on my tip toes and pulled him down, crashing my lips against his. My chest throbbed as he bent down slightly, his lips moving against mine.

I pulled back, slightly out of breath and looked up to see a surprised look on his face.

"For if we die... or something." I said before turning around and pulling open the door, my face feeling like it was on fire. I looked both ways and started to quickly make my way down the hall, Ace following and catching up after a few seconds.

When we made it to Callie and Logan's room, we quickly slipped in, the 4 teen's heads shooting up to us.

"Did you get it?" Callie asked and I nodded, holding it up, still slightly flustered.

"Come on." I said and they all stood up, each with their own backpack on and looked to each other.

It was go time.

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