2. Shame

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But something about TJ made Cyrus want to spill his guts out. Something about TJ made Cyrus want to tell secrets that weren't his to tell.


It was finally Cyrus's bar mitzvah, and he couldn't be more excited. Family and friends from all over came to celebrate, and it was going to be great. Cyrus had booked so much entertainment: a fortune teller, a caricature artist, games, and even a bungee racetrack. Cyrus doubted he'd get to do everything. But first, he had to get the synagogue ceremony out of the way. He had practised his Torah portion and recited his speech non-stop. He definitely felt ready, but also a little nervous. It'd all be worth it in the end though. Cyrus would finally be able to call himself a man, and he'd get to have an amazing after-party once the ceremony and reception were over.

• • •

It was almost Cyrus's bash mitzvah, and TJ was scrambling to get himself ready in time. He had to buy a new suit last minute because he had grown out of his old one. When he ran into the kitchen, socks sliding across the tile, his mother laughed as he explained why he needed a suit. He had only skimmed over the invitation and didn't see the text at the bottom saying it was a formal event. Now, three hours before it was time to go, he and his mother drove to the mall in hopes of finding something in TJ's size.

“We'll need to hem the pant legs. They're a bit long on you,” the seamstress said once TJ had tried on the suit.

“It's fine. I don't mind,” TJ said impatiently. He only had about an hour and a half left until the party started.

“But you might trip if you don't get it hemmed. The pants are pooling around your ankles.”

TJ's mother agreed, “I don't think it'll take too long. Why don't you just get them hemmed, sweetie?”

TJ groaned, “I can just roll them up. Come on. Let's hurry. I don't want to be late.”

“You have plenty of time,” she chuckled. “Trust me. You'll want to look your best on that dance floor.”

TJ thought for a moment. He supposed it would be pretty embarrassing if he tripped or something. Especially in front of Cyrus. Sighing, he allowed the seamstress to take in the suit to be hemmed. More than half an hour later, she returned. TJ and his mother thanked her and then ran back to the car.

“Oh, my— Mom! We're not going to make it back in time!” TJ panicked.

“Yes, we will. Relax.”

“I'll relax when we get there.”

“Suit yourself.”

TJ drummed his fingers against the window the entire ride, only stopping as the car pulled up the driveway. His mother parked the car, so he hopped out and ran into the house. He only had about 20 minutes to get ready, or else he'd arrive to the party late. He changed into his recently hemmed suit and stared into the mirror as he repeatedly messed around with his hair, trying to make it look good. When he thought it did, he gelled it in place.

“TJ! You better get going! Your party starts in five minutes, and we still have to drive there!” his mother called from downstairs.

TJ cursed under his breath and rinsed the leftover gel from his hands before rushing to the front door, drying his hands on his pants on the way. “I'm ready, mom. Let's go.”

“One more thing,” she pulled out a bottle of Febreeze and quickly sprayed TJ. “You'll want to smell nice.”

TJ smelled the air around him, “Mmm... Lemon scented. Now let's go!”

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