9. Infatuation

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As far as he knew, Cyrus saw him as a friend. However, TJ was beginning to question how he saw Cyrus.


TJ never had a crush on someone before. When he was younger, he was a firm believer in ‘cooties’ and found not just girls gross, but romance in general. As he got older, he became so focused on basketball that he never had the time for friends, let alone dating. Now, he was the same basketball-obsessed guy, but he suddenly wanted to put time aside for others. He finally saw there was more to his life than basketball, and that there was more to him than his skill at the sport. Cyrus was the one who helped him realise it. And for that, TJ was grateful, but he was unsure of how he felt past that. Namely, whether or not he had a crush on Cyrus.

When he got home, his mother was asleep on the sofa with the television on. Knowing how tired she must be, TJ did his best to keep quiet. He took light steps toward the cupboards in the kitchen, then grabbed a box of cereal and a ceramic bowl. He poured the cereal and turned to the fridge to get milk. But, as he turned, his elbow bumped into the bowl. It was light, and nothing spilt out, but it caused TJ's mother to jump awake.

“Huh?! Who's there?” she cried.

“It's just me, mom. Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” TJ left his bowl on the counter and made his way over to his mother.

“Oh, it's fine, honey. I shouldn't be sleeping on the couch anyway.” She sat up and moved to one end of the sofa, making room for TJ to sit beside her.

As he took a seat, he swallowed. “Um... Actually, mom, could I ask you something?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“Promise not to laugh?”

“At you? Never.”

He swallowed again, “How do you know if you have a crush on someone?”

His mother's eyes slightly widened before she regained her composure. “Well... You'll think about that person a lot. Like, more than you think about your friends. You'll want to talk to them a lot and to see them as much as possible. Stuff like that.”

“Makes sense,” TJ nodded to himself and turned his attention back to his mother. “But how do you know the difference between a good friend and a crush? Is there some sort of test you can do? Or, like, a sign that you're into them?”

She thought for a moment and her eyes lit up, “Sometimes your heart might race when you're with them.”

“Okay. Thanks, mom.”

“No problem. But why are you asking this? Is there someone you like?”

“No. I thought there might be, but now I'm pretty sure I just see them as a friend.”

“Well, if there ever is anybody you like, you better introduce that special person to me!”

“I will,” TJ said. “You should go sleep, though. You're probably tired from work.”

His mother stood up with a stretch, “You're right. I'm gonna go to my room. I'll see you in time for dinner. Love you.”

“Love you too, mom.”

After she was gone, TJ stood up and finished making his bowl of cereal. He sat down at the counter to eat it, his mind drifting toward Cyrus. He had worried he was falling for Cyrus. It would mean bad news for TJ since he knew Cyrus liked Jonah. But after his mother told him that his heart would race if he had a crush, TJ was certain he didn't have one.

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