22. Anticipation

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And listening to TJ explain how he went to the school's computer lab to print everything out... Well, it made him feel cared for.


Cyrus walked with TJ to his house, hand in hand. TJ softly hummed to himself while swinging Cyrus's arm. Buffy and Andi had wished him luck before leaving school, because today, TJ was going to come out. Cyrus turned to TJ.

“Will you be okay?” he asked.

TJ stopped humming to answer, “Yeah. I'm scared, but I know my parents aren't homophobic. They won't kick me out or anything. I'm really lucky, actually.”

“How do you know they aren't homophobic?”

“They've never seemed bothered by gay rights. I'm not saying they're supporters. They just... don't mind, I guess?”

“Yeah, I get what you're saying. It seems a lot of people are like that these days.” He sighed, “I wish my dad realised it though. He thinks it's still dangerous being gay.”

“I mean... it kind of is. Maybe not where we live, but your dad would definitely still see some stuff on the news.”

“I... didn't think about that.”

“It's not your fault,” he squeezed Cyrus's hand. “It's easy to take what we have for granted.”

“You're right.” Cyrus squeezed back, “And I know my dad cares about me. He's just never been good with words.”

TJ laughed, “Me and your dad have that in common.”

“What? No, TJ, you're great with words!”

“I know. I meant I care about you, too.”

“O-oh...” Cyrus looked away, his ears burning in the cold air. “I care about you, too, TJ.”

They stopped in front of TJ's driveway. Cyrus squeezed TJ's hand one last time in reassurance before letting go, his arm falling back to his side. TJ took a deep breath and walked to the front door. It wasn't locked. His parents had made it a habit to leave the door unlocked for him if someone was home. Tentative, he twisted the doorknob with caution. Cyrus kept a few feet away.

When he stepped inside, he was unsurprised to see both of his parents working away in the kitchen. He specifically chose a day they were both off from work so he'd only have to come out once. At the click of the door closing behind Cyrus, TJ's parents looked up from what they were doing.

“If it isn't my favourite person in the world,” his mother said with a smile. “Oh, and TJ's here too.”

“Hey!” TJ and his father both exclaimed.

“I thought I was your favourite person,” TJ's father huffed.

“No, I'm pretty sure that was me,” TJ said.

“You can all be my favourite.” His mother waved her hand dismissively, “Anyway, to what do we owe the pleasure, Cyrus?”

“Oh,” he shrugged, “just thought I'd try to weasel that doughnut recipe out of you. I tried to make my own, but none could surpass yours, Mrs K.”

“Will you stay for dinner? I can show you my recipe after we eat.”

“I'd love to, but only if it's alright with TJ.”

“About that...” TJ stepped toward the living room sofa, gesturing for his parents to have a seat. “I wanted to tell you guys something first.”

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