11. Apprehension

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He was glad TJ and Buffy were getting along — even by a bit. He was also grateful that Buffy wanted to protect him. He didn't think he needed protection from TJ, but he still appreciated her intent.


TJ was annoyed with himself for his confidence. He and his father were going zip-lining next weekend and he had stupidly invited his crush along. It wasn't that he didn't want to go zip-lining with Cyrus. Of course, he did. But he'd rather not be embarrassed by his father. Plus, it didn't help that this was TJ's first time inviting a crush out somewhere.

He stood up to let Cyrus out of the booth and sat back down as Cyrus walked to the restroom. Buffy and Andi looked at each other and nodded, as if agreeing on something unspoken. TJ squinted his eyes at them in suspicion.

“So,” Buffy rested her chin on the back of her hands. “Cyrus, huh?”

“What about him?” he tilted his head.

“We saw the way you looked at him, TJ!” Andi suppressed a giggle.

“I'm sorry. Who are you again?”

“I... I'm Andi.”

“Oh, I know you. You're the one dating that Jonah kid, right? Cyrus told me he might be coming. Is he not?”

“No, he's busy.”

Buffy stood, pointing a finger at TJ, “There! Just now! You smiled when you found out Jonah's not coming.”

TJ hadn't noticed he was smiling. He quickly frowned and shook his head, “Your point?”

Buffy sat back down and lowered her voice to an excited whisper, “You're jealous. You like Cyrus.”

“I do not.”

“Oh, you do, too. It's really obvious. And... weird. I didn't think you could like anyone.”

“I can't. I don't.” He crossed his arms, his fingers tapping impatiently against his bicep.

“When did you start liking him?” Andi asked.

“I just said I don't like him.”

“It's not about what you said. It's about what we saw. And we saw your eyes light up the moment you noticed Cyrus.”

He trained his eyes on the restroom door, “So what if I got excited when I saw him? We're friends.”

“So are me and Buffy but we don't get excited just by seeing the back of each other's heads.”

“You two see each other all the time. I just met Cyrus a few weeks ago.”

“A few weeks is plenty of time.”

Cyrus stepped out of the restroom and TJ whipped his head towards the girls across from him. “Guys, drop it,” he hissed.


“Fine,” Buffy interrupted. “Dropping it. But just like Andi said, it doesn't matter what you say. We know what we saw.”

TJ rubbed his temples, “Ugh, okay. Whatever. Just don't tell him.”

Andi squealed in delight.

“Hey,” Cyrus said as he sat down next to TJ, who glared at Andi. “What'd I miss?”

Buffy smiled at Cyrus, “TJ, here, was just inviting us along to go zip-lining with you guys.”

Before TJ could argue, Cyrus grinned at him, “Really?! That's so cool of you, TJ! Thank you.”

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