15. Amusement

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Although he enjoyed the weekend, he enjoyed not being on a date with his love rival more. He doubted this was what his father had in mind when he said relationships took effort.


Thursday classes always seemed to move the slowest to Cyrus. It was so close to the weekend but without the thrill of a Friday, causing him to feel impatient. The highlight of his school day was at lunch. Cyrus had been ranting about seedless fruit to his friends when suddenly, TJ sat down across from him, next to Buffy.

“TJ! What a surprise,” Andi smiled at Cyrus.

TJ raised a brow, “Andi, you're the one who invited me to sit with you guys today.”

Am I? I can't remember.”

Cyrus glared at her while trying to contain the smile that threateningly tugged at his lips.

“Yeah, you are,” TJ said. “But anyway, I didn't come here empty-handed.” He pulled a muffin out from behind his back and placed it in front of Cyrus, “Chocolate chocolate chip. I noticed you didn't have one on your lunch tray.”

“How observant of you,” Buffy teased. “Hey, Andi. When you were crushing on Jonah, didn't you get him chocolate chocolate chip muffins?”

TJ elbowed her under the table, “Shut up.”

“Oh yeah, Andi. I remember that,” Cyrus said. “One time, he didn't even come to sit with us but you still wouldn't let me have his muffin.”

“And now Jonah and Andi are dating! So there must be some reward to that tactic.” Buffy elbowed TJ back, “You hear that? Keep those muffins coming.”

TJ stared at her, “I will actually stomp on you.”

Andi faked a cough, “So, what's everyone doing after school today? Want to hang out at The Spoon again?”

“Actually,” said TJ, “I was wondering if Cyrus would want to come to my house today to play some video games.”

“Sure!” Cyrus turned to Buffy, “If that's okay with you, of course.”

She smiled, “Yeah, of—”

“Of course she's okay with it!” Andi cut in. “She and I actually have plans already.”

“We do?”

“Why were you inviting us to The Spoon, then?” TJ asked.

“Uh, well, our plans are for later on so we would've had time to go eat first,” Andi lied. “Anyway, you and Cyrus should hang out! Don't worry about me and Buffy.”

TJ eyed her suspiciously before sighing happily, “Guess it's settled then, Underdog.”

• • •

After school, TJ and Cyrus walked side by side, their shoulders brushing. They kept quiet, silently enjoying each other's company. Cyrus was shivering, though. He didn't know if it was because he was cold or because he was anxious, but he pulled his jacket closer towards himself anyway. TJ let him know when they reached his house and they walked up the driveway. Cyrus held his breath, worrying TJ's mother wouldn't like him or that he'd accidentally offend TJ's father.

TJ opened the front door for Cyrus. “Relax,” he told him, as if reading his thoughts. “My parents aren't here.”

“You sure about that?” TJ's father asked from the kitchen.

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