7. Loneliness

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He knew it was only a matter of time before they started asking him to choose between them. And he'd obviously have to pick his best friend, but he didn't want to lose TJ.


Cyrus gently pressed the bag of ice against his forehead. He was sitting on the examination table in the nurse's office, his feet dangling over the edge.

“You can take that ice with you to class,” the nurse told him before turning back towards the cupboards where she was organising various items, such as cotton pads and tongue depressors.

“Okay. Thank you,” he replied, hopping off the table and walking out the door.

He sighed to himself as he headed to class. He had snuck away from Buffy and TJ while they were arguing, and he was worried he might run into them again. Luckily for Cyrus, he made it to class without any run-ins. In fact, he didn't see either of them for the rest of the day. At lunchtime, he asked Andi where Buffy was and she told him that she had basketball practice.

For the next few days, Cyrus had limited interactions with Buffy and TJ. They saw each other in the halls, but after school and during lunch, they were always busy. Sometimes with basketball and others with tutoring. One day, Cyrus asked Buffy if she wanted to go to The Spoon with him and Andi, but she told him she had too much homework.

“But we barely got any today,” Cyrus said to her.

“Well, I got extra. Talk to you later,” was all she replied.

He decided to try asking TJ but was shot down by him as well.

“Sorry, can't. Buffy's tutoring me again today,” TJ answered.

“But she told me she was doing homework.”

“She's doing her homework while she tutors me. Let's hang another time. Alright?”

Cyrus sadly nodded his head, “Okay. Another time.”

“I guess it's just me and you,” Cyrus sighed to Andi when they sat down in The Spoon.

“Actually,” Andi paused, deciding whether she should say anything, “Jonah's coming.”

She felt bad knowing Cyrus had a crush on him, but she didn't want to break up with Jonah just to make Cyrus feel better. It didn't seem fair to her.

“Why didn't you ask me first? Or at least tell me sooner,” Cyrus frowned.

Andi shrugged, “Sometimes it's just easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.”

“It's not easier for me though! I usually mentally prepare myself before hanging out with you two. Now I have no time to do that.”

“I'm sorry, Cyrus. I should've considered your feelings more,” Andi said with furrowed brows. “You can leave now if you want. I'll tell Jonah that Buffy asked you to help time her drills or something.”

Cyrus thought for a moment before sighing, “You know what? I'll take you up on that.” Then, he begrudgingly left Andi alone to spend time with her boyfriend.

Buffy was the first person his mind went to as he tried to think of something to do. When Andi was busy, he could always go to her, just like he could go to Andi when Buffy was busy. But this time, he could go to neither of them as both were unavailable. Cyrus decided to go to the only place he knew of for when he was alone: the swings.

When he got there, he was content to find they were empty. He took a seat and allowed the swing to drift back and forth. It was a constant, soothing motion that Cyrus was in control of. That's why the swings calmed him. He was in control; he was safe.

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