25. Conclusion

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He felt happier — free to be himself. And even though Cyrus wasn't the only one to thank for TJ's new life, he was still the person who caused TJ to seek one in the first place.


Three weeks passed, yet everything still seemed new for the GHC. TJ often tagged along with them, and though Buffy welcomed him, it was very foreign to her. She was so used to Jonah being the plus one of the group; however, now Jonah was temporarily gone, and TJ had found a way to take his place. Even now, Buffy was sure TJ would walk through the doors of The Spoon any moment, only to plant himself in the seat next to his boyfriend. Especially since they were all meeting up to say goodbye to Cyrus before he left for London.

“So how was your date yesterday?” Andi asked from beside Buffy.

“Good,” Cyrus replied, quick to take a sip from his milkshake and avoid follow-up questions.


“And fun?”

“Ugh, you gotta give us more detail than that, Cy!” Buffy whined.

Andi nodded, “Yeah, you never tell us anything about things with TJ! How are we supposed to experience a love life vicariously through you if we don't know what's going on?”

He rolled his eyes, “You don't need me for that. You already have your own love lives.”

Buffy scoffed, “Uh, since when?”

“Okay, correction. Andi has a love life. Buffy is in a committed relationship with herself.”

“Come on, Cyrus! Why won't you tell us? We're your best friends! We shouldn't have to hear about your dates from TJ,” Andi said in exasperation.

“I just want our dates to be special, y'know? Something between the two of us.”

Buffy and Andi both raised an eyebrow at him. They looked at each other to confirm their scepticism, before facing Cyrus again, deadpanned.

“If that were the case, you wouldn't be letting TJ blab about your relationship all the time. You can ask that guy what he wants to eat, and he'll find a way to make the conversation about you,” Buffy tittered.

Cyrus let out a sigh of defeat, “Okay, maybe it's because once I start talking about TJ, I know I can't stop. But can you really blame me for not wanting to be the boy-obsessed friend? Honestly, I was doing you two a favour.”

Buffy made a choking sound, attempting to hold back her laughter. The noise caused Andi to laugh as well, and soon enough, all three members of the GHC were in hysterics.

“Oh, Cyrus... How am I supposed to cope when you're gone?” Andi sighed after the laughter died down.

Cyrus smiled, “You'll cope fine. Just look at you and Jonah! He's been at Ultimate camp for a little over a month, and you're doing great!”

“Yeah, well, that's because I don't have to deal with the stress of being a girlfriend when he's gone. But when you leave, I'll be short a best friend!”

“And I'll be short two best friends!” His smile grew, “But I'm pretty amicable, so I'm sure I could become besties with the Queen in no time.”

“How's TJ taking it? You leaving; not the Queen thing,” Buffy questioned.

“He's ‘taking it’ very well. It's not like I'm moving to London! I'll only be gone for a few weeks.”

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