6. Envy

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Cyrus could tell from TJ's voice that something was wrong, but he didn't know what. He wished he knew so he could help TJ, but he trusted him to bring up his 'stuff' when he was ready.


Buffy finished sharing her disheartening news. Andi and Cyrus badly wanted her to stay in Shadyside, but she said the decision was final. The three of them finished the rest of their baby taters in silence, only speaking to ask for refills.

TJ had already hung up the call, saying he had to set the table for dinner. His father put the cooked pizza on top of the stove to cool and then sat down in the dining room where TJ was placing napkins. After putting the last napkin down, he sat across from his father.

“So, when's mom coming home?” TJ asked.

His father shook his head, “Not until tomorrow. She's working the night shift.”

“What? You could've told me that before I set her a place at the table,” he grumbled.

TJ's mother was a nurse in the emergency department. It was a hard job since she had to work 12 hours a day, four days a week, with the occasional overtime. Plus, she worked both day shifts and night shifts so her sleep schedule was in ruins. TJ felt so grateful that she still spent time with him on her days off, even though she probably wanted time to herself. His father, on the other hand, was an accountant. TJ had no idea how his father could stand such a dull job despite his laid-back personality. And he had even less of a clue as to how he and his father could be related, what with his father's profession being focused on math while TJ didn't understand numbers at all.

Neither of his parents were home too often, but TJ didn't mind. He understood that they were only trying to provide him with a lot of opportunities. Sadly, he felt as though he were wasting their efforts. He had a limited set of skills and none of them would get him a stable job like his parents.

For the longest time, basketball was all he really had going for him. And everyone was supportive of TJ because they saw no other options for him. It was either basketball or magically become good at school, and basketball seemed much easier than the latter. However, one day, some girl showed up and threw TJ's whole plan off its course. Not only was she great at basketball, but she was smart too. It made TJ feel the most frustrated he had ever been. Here this girl was, with more options available to her than hairs on her head, and yet she decided to play the same sport as TJ. He felt threatened. He just wanted to be rid of her. But the more he acted rude towards her, the worse he felt about himself.

“Your mom's eating with us in spirit,” TJ's father joked. “That's why she needs a place at the table.”

TJ sighed, “Okay, let's eat, then.”

His father put the pizza on the table and they each grabbed a slice. They made small talk while they ate but TJ shot down any attempt his father made at talking about school.

“How's that friend of yours?” his father asked, and TJ was glad the subject was changed. “Cyrus, was it? That's who you were talking to on the phone, yeah?”

“Uh, he's alright, I think. He just found out his best friend's moving though so he's probably upset.”

“I thought you were his best friend.”

“I never said that.”

“But it sure seemed like you were close from what I heard.”

“You were eavesdropping on my phone call?!”

“Not on purpose. You were talking in the same room as me. It's hard not to overhear.”

TJ opened his mouth to complain, but shut it when he realised he was being hypocritical. He had done the same thing to Cyrus. And yes, he had already apologised, but the guilty feeling never left. However, it was beginning to.

• • •

The next day at school, Buffy found TJ to remind him to show up for tutoring. It was a very brief reminder as she didn't like talking to TJ more than what was necessary, and then she was on her way.

“Wait, Buffy!” TJ went after her, “I need to talk to you.”

She stopped walking, crossed her arms, and turned to face him. “Make it quick, then.”

His eyes nervously bounced around the hallway, “Uh, not here.”

“Fine. Come in here,” she stepped into an empty classroom, holding the door open for TJ.

“Won't people come in here?”

“Yeah, but not for a while. And I already told you to make this quick so it shouldn't even be a problem.”

“Right... Okay, so basically, you were right. About everything. I think I might have a, um... a math dyslexia. And I should talk to someone about it. Especially Coleman.”

Buffy smiled to herself, “I'm glad you have some sense in that stubborn brain of yours.”

TJ inwardly rolled his eyes, “Anyway, I totally plan to do what you said. I'll get tested for a learning disability and everything. But...”

“You still want me to do your math homework.”

“Only for a while. Until my next game. I... I want to play one more time before I have to announce my problems to the whole world. Before everyone starts looking at me differently — feeling sorry for me.”

Buffy was furious with herself. Again, she couldn't help sympathizing with TJ. She wished she could just hate him for what he did to her, but it was difficult. She began wondering if being around Cyrus for so long had an effect on her ability to hate.

With a sigh, she agreed to help TJ. “But this will be the only time I help you,” she told him sternly.

“Of course.”

He handed her his math sheets and then they went to leave the classroom. TJ opened the door, expecting its full swing, only for it to come to a sudden stop halfway. A light thud could be heard. TJ and Buffy looked at each other with a brow raised in curiosity. They looked behind the door.

“Cyrus?” they asked in unison.

Cyrus rubbed his forehead and glanced up through the pain. “TJ? And... Buffy?” he asked, his eyes squinted. “What were you two doing together? In an empty classroom, no less.”

“Um, more importantly, are you okay? Did I hit you with the door?” TJ asked, partly in concern and partly to change the subject.

“I'm fine. It didn't hurt that bad,” he said as he removed his hand from his head.

“It looks like a bruise is starting to form,” Buffy said.

“Oh. Really?” Cyrus reached up to feel and winced. “Okay, maybe I'll just go to the infirmary real quick and get some ice.”

“I'll come with you!” TJ and Buffy exclaimed, once again in sync. They both glared at each other.

“I'm his best friend. I should go,” Buffy argued.

“Well, I'm the one who hit him with the door, so I should go to make it up to him,” TJ challenged back.

Cyrus sighed, “I can go by myself, guys. It's not like the door hit my legs. I'm fully capable of walking.”

Although Cyrus enjoyed the attention he was getting from his friends, he dreaded the repercussions. He knew it was only a matter of time before they started asking him to choose between them. And he'd obviously have to pick his best friend, but he didn't want to lose TJ.

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