Arthur x Reader - Saviour

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Arthur liked to think he was a careful man. Especially compared to the likes of Bill, Pearson, Micah... but he also liked to think of himself as sensible, especially when in the heat of a gunfight.

However, there were times the gunslinger would decide to take a risky move as Dutch would often recommend he do. Yes, they usually went well, but this was not one of those times.

O'driscolls had been spotted at a nearby camp while Arthur was going about his daily life; hunting, fishing, and trying to gather enough money so that the gang could leave to Cuba or whatever Dutch had planned next.

This camp was decidedly dangerously close to their camp, and in the heat of the moment Arthur clambered off of his horse, retrieved his Lancaster rifle and his double barreled shotgun, and approached while crouched, sticking to the thick shrubbery and plentiful trees.

Lining up his first shot, Arthur began to doubt this move. He was alone, and there was a good five or six O'driscolls in the camp. They were close, perhaps, but the likelihood of them finding the Van Der Linde gang was slim. He could leave and everything would be fine... or maybe it wouldn't be, and Colm O'driscoll would hear about Dutch being out there and kill them all like pigs at a slaughter.

Dutch would be happy of this, so Arthur went along with it anyway.

Taking the shot, a one hit bullet to the head, Arthur stood and began to dispatch the others with haste. It seemed all too soon for the shooting to die down as he shot the last O'driscoll in sight. He was just glad to survive another day.

Approaching the camp itself, he knelt down to begin searching a surprisingly well polished oak chest, picking up some hair pomade, crackers, canned--

An abrupt hit to the back of the head sent him crashing to the floor whilst seeing stars. Or what he presumed to be stars. Things went momentarily black, hearing gone for a split second, and as he blinked rapidly, the sun beaming through the trees, he was met with the barrel of someone's gun.

"If it ain't Arthur," He spoke confidently, his rifle mere inches from his face. "Goodbye." He went to pull the trigger.

About half way through pulling the trigger, the O'driscoll collapsed, instinctively grabbing his neck for he had been shot. His rifle skidded slightly across the dirt ground, and Arthur quickly turned his head to gaze upon his saviour.

"(Y/N)?" He sounded to be in disbelief, even more so as you approached and offered him a hand up. "I didn't know you could shoot."

"You never asked." You replied, helping him stand with an audible grunt of exerted effort. "Are you alright? You seemed to be seconds from death."

"I'm fine, really." He glanced to your six shooter in a second or so of silence. "Thank you, (Y/N). I appreciate it, and I owe you."

"Yeah, you do." Lifting your hand up, you patted Arthur on the shoulder a few times before allowing it to rest there. Leaning in and up, due to your height difference, you placed a soft kiss to his right cheek. "You're welcome though, Arthur. I'll see you back at camp." Then you turned to leave.

Arthur was in utter shock, waiting until you were definitely gone to bring his hand up to gently touch where you had kissed. He was sure he was red, or some shade of it, and he couldn't help the small smile that began to form.

"See you too." He muttered to himself, turning to pick up his guns to continue his day, suddenly a lot happier.

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