Trelawny X Reader - Show

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You had always been drawn in by magicians. Yes, you knew that magic was merely an illusion, not real, but that didn't make the disappearing of a coin or the sudden appearance of a rabbit from a hat any less special.

It just meant that you wanted to learn how it was done.

So that's precisely what you did. You had been practicing doing the most basic of tricks: making a coin 'vanish'. Just how it was coming along was a mystery to you, because believe it or not, but your family weren't exactly the best critics.

It was your family, however, that handed you a flier excitedly, claiming you'll 'love this' excitedly. It was with a begrudging hand that you lifted it into view, heart stopping at what was written.

It was announcing a magician coming to town, and the ticket price was rather affordable, you reasoned. It filled you with hope and wonder, so that meant only one thing: you were going to go, or so help you.

The day came, you were up uncharacteristically early (which you regretted almost instantly), nervous and excited. Your mother wished you well before you left, and ordered you pick up a few things from the general store. Hopefully you didn't forget.

Riding into town on your trusty steed, you came to a halt beside the theatre, narrowly avoiding hitting into a passing stagecoach. You never were the best rider. Hitching up your mount, patting him gently, you inhaled and then entered.

After paying for your ticket, you found you way to a seat, apologising shyly as you accidently bumped into another patron and nearly fell into another. Finally seated, you waited patiently for the curtains to draw back and the show to begin.

Josia Trelawny.

That was the name of your magician for tonight. His mannerisms and phrasing of words were very proper, and all too charming. You found yourself entranced with him, clapping to every flair of a trick, and to the tricks you had never seen before.

It seemed to end all too soon. The red curtains fell heavily, silencing the man. Everyone stood, yourself included, and then filed out of the theatre, chatting away excitedly about the tricks.

With restored muse for the art of magic, you padded from the theatre to the general store, entering and walking to the counter without much of a second thought. That was, however, until you saw a familiar-ish top hat.

You wanted to speak, but found yourself unable.

"Ma'am?" The man behind the counter spoke, brows arching as you set a piece of paper in front of him. He picked it up, examined what was written, and then walked off to retrieve the items listed.

"Mr. Trelawny?" You finally spoke, causing the man to perk up and turn.

His startled expression faded into something much more relaxed, smile adorning his moustached visage.

"Ah, hello, sir/ma'am!" He returned cheerily, "Didn't I see you in the theatre?"

A soft blush rose to your cheeks from embarrassment, and you nodded, "Yes, you did. I just wanted to say that the show was amazing."

"Thank you. And what's your name, if I may be blessed with it?"

"(Y/N)." You introduced, accepting his held out hand. "I also want to ask if you would-"

"Excuse me?" The general store owner called out your way, making you turn on the spot. "For this, how many do you want? It's not very clear."

You eyed the item, throat clearing, "Two should be enough, thank you." Turning, you caught Trelawny withdrawing his hand to behind his back, taking a gentlemanly stance. "As I was saying, I'd appreciate it if you'd take a look at a trick I've been working on."

That took him off gaurd completely. He eyed you for a moment before nodding, "Of course! Show away."

You pulled a coin from your front pocket and proceeded to show off, making it appear to vanish. You made it reappear moments later, nervously smiling at his quizzical gaze.

"What do you think..? I know it's awful, but I-"

"And you're self-taught?" His eyes sparkled at your nod, "My God, that's impressive! People don't take to magic easily. However, what I would say, is that you need to tuck it further beneath your thumb." He took a hold of your hand, put it back into position, and then tucked the coin further into your thumb, "Like that. It will feel awkward at first, but the more you work on it, the better it will become."

You watched in amazement, smile wide and like a fool. You nodded excitedly, "Thank you! I really appreciate it."

"Your items, ma'am/sir."

As you went to turn, Trelawny suddenly engulfed you into a rushed hug, "You've been a delight."

He let go a few seconds later and then exited the general store, tipping his top hat to the owner. Upon breaching into the town, he went straight for his horse to saddle up.

He never usually gave back that which he pickpocketed, but for you, it felt entirely wrong to take. Before you grew suspcious of your money being in a different pocket or something similar, he rode off, grinning at the interaction.

A/N: Three updates in one day? Am I treating you or what? I'm joking. I do have an idea for an upcoming question rather than announcement, really, so stay tuned for that next chapter!

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