Sadie x Reader - Clumsy

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You let out a gut wrenching laugh at Sadie's awful attempt at an insult. Was she even aiming to offend you, or merely provoke a reaction of amusement? Either way, you were having a blast.

"That, miss Addler, is the worst attempt at an insult I've ever heard." You breathed through giggles, inhaling deeply at the next convenience of your lungs.

"Y'know what? That wasn't even aimed at you." She replied with a shrug, as if to accentuate her point.


"No. You ain't worth the breath."

"Oof," A hand raised to rest against your chest, roughly at your heart, "And yet you still speak to me, using your breath."

"Shut up, (Y/N)."

You grinned widely as she failed to hold a straight face. You needed to think of a strategic reply, to one up her awful attempt... which didn't necessarily seem hard to do, but you drew a blank.

She's got you!

"What's wrong? Cat got'cha tongue?"

Your eyes rolled at the childishness of such a question, "At least a cat would put up more of a fight than you are right now."

"Are you provokin' me, (Y/N)?" Her eyes playfully squinted, smirk plastered permanently to her lips.

"I ain't exactly trying to calm you down, Sadie." Giving a shrug, you glanced over to Javier, "Get me a beer!"

"Get it yourself!"

Huffing at Javier, you waited a long moment, just enough for Sadie to mumble something about you being 'lazy'. You'd show her!

Standing, you sauntered around the dull fire and over the logs you called chairs, and to the table by Pearson's butchery. Gazing at the crate, subconsciously counting the amount of alcohol, you picked out the one to the far left corner of where you were.

Placing the cap to the edge of the table, your fingers curled into a tight fist as you brought it down harshly to the bottle. The cap popped up, the beer fizzing slightly over the edge, which you hastily sipped up.

Turning and beginning to walk back to your companion for the evening, you cleared your throat, "Who's lazy now, miss Addler? From where I'm standing, it's most certainly y-!"

Your foot caught on the log to which she sat, and in your flailings to get a footing, you crashed into her, lips hitting hers in a rather cliché turn of events. Eyes widened, staring into her own, and you were still in silence.


Sadie smiled widely, gently pulling you closer by the collar of your shirt before playfully shoving you away, giggling in excitement.

"I'm sorry, am I just that irresistible?"

Oh, the teasings shall come.


A/N: I have eight requests to be written after this, so I'm busy! Maybe after another one or two new requests, I'll delete the request chapter until I'm ready to take them again! Happy reading!

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