Arthur X Reader - Town Visits

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You were the daughter of a farmer, and as such, because of your rather boyish upbringing, was regularly sent on supply runs to town; to sell acquired crops, buy feed for the horses and cattle and chickens, and, for the past six or so months, to speak to Arthur Morgan.

He had made himself known after having helped you pick up a few bags of grain. You made the poor decision to carry one too many bags that day. He was courteous whilst he picked it up from the floor, listening to you as you told him where to put it.

The strangest thing was that despite his rugged appearance, he didn't want nor expect anything in return. Instead, he announced that your payment would be a conversation next time you met. So you did, of course, and it continued months later.

There was a problem, however. Your father wasn't keen on Arthur, labelling him a 'gunslinger', 'outlaw', and overall negative influence he refused to have his only child be around. He was passive aggressive to Arthur when they first met, and made it clear to you on the way home that speaking to him was something he forbade.

That didn't stop you, as it didn't now. You were making a supply run, and of course Arthur was in town. You called him over, climbing down with finesse from the cart which you rode into town, and smiled.

"(Y/N)," Arthur greeted, moving to help you down. When you didn't need it, he instead moved to awkwardly pat one of the horses.

"Hello, Arthur." You returned, holding back a laugh at his actions. "Would you mind helping me unload the cart?"

He moved almost instantly to the other side of the cart, starting to unload a few bags onto his shoulders. "I half expected you to enter with your old man. It's been that way for a while."

"You know he doesn't like you much, Arthur."

"I know, I just-" He cut himself off, sighing to himself.

He entered the store with you, placed the bags down, and then went out for the others. Before long, business had been sorted, and you were saying your goodbyes.

You engulfed Arthur into a hug. He was stiff, unsure as to how to respond, but nonetheless he smiled at the gesture and returned it.

"He's just worried about me, is all. Keep doing your thing, and he'll come around." You let go of him, climbing up onto the cart with his polite help. "Don't go moping around, Cowboy. Tell Dutch and the boys I said hello."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you when you next come in." He watched you trot down the road, leaning against the side of the general store, reminiscing on the hug.

Arthur didn't believe your father would ever like him. He was, after all, a killer and a thief. But he held hope. Why shouldn't he? You believed that could change, so he'd humour you.

However, that changed the next time your cart rolled into town. You weren't there, no, but your father was. He halted at the store, climbing down the cart, but before he could do much, he was approached by two men.

They were identified almost immediately: O'Driscolls.

He attempted to ease the situation, but was soon shoved against the cart, knife to his throat. Your father had the gut feeling he'd be killed over his produce, or the fact he wouldn't make a deal with them. But then he showed up, a Knight in tattered armour.

Arthur dealt with the two, taking them out as soon as they said his name. He didn't want to, he swore, but it was them or himself and your father... did this ruin his chances?

"You alright, sir?" He questioned your father cautiously, preparing for a scold, or another passive aggressive comment.

What he wasn't expecting was a nervous laugh and a hand to his shoulder.

"Arthur, correct?" He didn't even wait for a response, "Thank you, that... that was a... bad situation." But soon he swallowed thickly, "How would you like to come for dinner at mine, as a thank you?"

Arthur couldn't help the smile that spread across his features, nodding rather timidly, "Thank you, sir. I'd be honoured to."

"I'll let (Y/N) know. Would you mind helping me?"

Arthur was full of a new enthusiasm, stepping over the bodies on the floor to help your father, as to not ruin his new found respect.

A/N: Sorry for the wait! I've been super busy! But I'm back with a new one!

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