Arthur X Reader - Disguise

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(Y/M/N) - Your Male Name


You sat atop a few crates in the camp, staying to yourself as usual. You were reading a book, something you had grown to like as of late because it allowed you to be left alone unless it was pivotal that you joined the others. Likewise, you enjoyed hunting for Pearson since very rarely would anyone join you.

The reason for your self-exclusion? You weren't a male, you were a female.

You had been dressing up, masquerading as a male. The world was cruel to women, you knew that firsthand, and being a male was meant to only last a few weeks. Dutch had found you at a bar during your second week, and one thing led to another, and it was now four months in. They had yet to find out, nor grow suspicious.

Apart from Arthur Morgan.

Ever vigilant, he was. He had made some very cryptic jabs at your identity, not to mention the odd question here and there. It was coming to a point where he was growing hostile, no doubt tired of your secrecy and lies. If he were to find out, you could only imagine the outcome.

Pushing that to the back of your mind, you neared the fresh water stream. Dismounting your horse, gently patting its neck, uttering its name softly beneath your breath, you walked over and knelt down. Removing your hat and button up shirt, revealing your binding around your breasts, you dipped your hands into the water, cupped some up, and splashed it over your sweaty face and neck.

A sudden twig snapping behind you made you abruptly stand and turn, hand moving for your six shooter with a surprising amount of speed. You expected to find a pack of wolves, a hunter, an animal. But what you saw instead made your heart burst.


"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

You swallowed thickly, moving to button up your shirt out of both embarrassment and fear.

"Arthur." You returned quietly, eyeing him cautiously as he came to a stop.

"You sure you're a man, (Y/M/N)? Don't seem that way to me."

"I didn't mean for it to go this far--"

"And what did you mean for it?" His voice was a growl, suddenly threatening, chest puffed out slightly.

"I don't know. Just, calm down-"

"You've been lyin' to us for months! You've been wanted, you've put us in danger by those who know you as a woman! And you have the nerve to tell me to 'calm down'?"

You instinctively took a step back in preparation for his imminent attack. Or what you proposed he would do, anyway.

"Why is this such a big deal to you?"

"Because you've been lyin' to us for months! Straight to our faces! And all those times you've left for hours. You could be a snake for all I know!"

"A snake? No, no, no. Arthur, I'm no snake."

"Dutch has to know about this."

Fear struck further into your heart at the prospect of what Dutch would do with you. He was a careful man, and if he had cause to concern about you... you'd be done for.

"Arthur. Don't. Please." You stepped forwards, "This isn't worth it."

"I knew there was somethin' up with you." He shook his head and walked back to his horse, saddling up.

"Arthur." You watched helplessly as he cast you a glare and then rode off back to camp, heading off to seal your fate.

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