Arthur X Child!Reader - Trouble

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You had gone into town on your own, finding yourself utterly bored being around the same people daily. You weren't one to get into much trouble, hell, you had only been scolded a total of four times over the years. You were well behaved, or you hid it well.

This time, as a twelve year old, you thought you'd be big enough to wonder into Valentine and do as you pleased before you were missed. It was all going well at the start.

You had pet a grey and black dog, who's name, you later found out, was Angus. He was a sheepdog, going on three, and his fur was exceptionally soft. You wished you could play some more with Angus, but you'd let him go to rounding up sheep for now. You also spoke to a fellow child, which was relieving since you had practically nobody else to play with at camp, and played tag.

After losing one too many times, you called an infinite 'time-out'. That made you hungry; running around, hopping over fences and scaling hills would do that to a child. You had no money on you, so decided to do the next best thing: steal.

You entered the general store, greeted the man behind the counter quietly, and walked straight to the fruit. The apples looked incredibly appetising, your mouth already watering. Glancing to the counter, to see him gone now, probably at the back sorting out whatever adults sorted out, you picked one up, pocketed it, and exited.

Bad move, admittedly. Not very discreet.

He exited after you, grabbing your arm, "What do you think you're doing?!"

Fear consumed you, and you gulped, "Nothing!"

"You were going to steal it, weren't you?!" He huffed heavily, grip tightening.

"Hey! What's goin' on?"

He paused, looking to the voice as you did. Arthur Morgan was approaching, and you had never felt so relieved yet frightened in your life.

"They're stealing from my store." The man announced.

"What is it?"

"Take it out of your pocket." The owner glared down at you, releasing his grip to fold his arms across his chest.

You swallowed thickly and slowly, hesitantly, half-shakily reached into your pocket. You revealed a bright red apple, delicious looking, no doubt about that, to the two.

Arthur was silent as he watched, but obviously there was something he wanted to say. "How much?"

"Ten cents, sir."

Arthur dug into his pocket for a long moment, aggressively pulling out the required amount and handing it to the owner. "'m sorry about this." He then looked to you. "Apologise to the man."

You looked down, "I'm sorry, sir."

The man didn't reply, staring down at you for a few seconds before taking his leave back into the store.

Arthur grabbed you by the back of the neck and marched you away to his horse, "What's the matter with you?"

"I was hungry, Arthur."

"Hungry? You go and get caught stealing by someone who would happily turn you into the sheriff because you was 'hungry'?" Arthur sounded to be in disbelief, shoving you softly towards his horse as you approached. "You sneak off-"

"I wanted to go to town, but nobody would take me!" You defended, arms crossing over your chest in a display of annoyance.

"That's your excuse for kickin' up a fuss and worryin' us all?" He shook his head, "We set the rules for a Goddamn reason, (Y/N)."

"I know that! It's just so fucking unfair."

"What?" His brows arched, "Who taught you that?"


"That stupid-! C'mon! I'll let Dutch talk some sense into ya'." Arthur climbed onto his mount, helping you on before he began the ride back to camp.

A/N: So, as my question/announcement, I'm thinking of making a book on RDR2! Not a one-shot book, but with an OC and whatnot! Would anyone be interested in reading it, and if so, feel free to ask for details in the comments or message me!

And yes, multiple chapters in one day. I'm shocked as well!

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