Arthur X Reader - Apologies

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"You know what, Arthur Morgan?" You seethed, and if you were a medieval dragon, you'd be smoking out of the mouth.

"What?" He snapped in reply, brows lowered.

"I deserve better than your shit. Fuck you. We're over."

He merely stood in silence now, still. His anger seemed to leave his body all at once, and he watched you leave his room.

Was that regret he felt? Piercing his heart like a bullet? He didn't know how to react at the sudden outcome, and instead he reflected. Was it his fault? It surely seemed that way. One too many stressful days he had taken out on you, one too many offhand comments.

He felt... empty. Sitting down on the nearest stool, he sighed heavily.

"What have you done, you fool?"

That's when he decided he was on a timer. A very short timer at that. A timer for what, you ask? To get you back and apologise. But how would he do it? What's the likelihood that you'd give him the time of day?

He could pull of difficult heists. He could do this.

The next day, he nervously approached you. He may come off as a confident guy, but when it came to someone he liked, especially when trying not to ruin anything, he didn't know what to do. He wasn't the confident gunslinger, he was the nervous teenage boy.


You sighed heavily and turned. "What is it, Arthur?"

"About yesterday-"

"What about yesterday?"

"Look, I... I didn't mean to upset you. I was just... you deserve better, you're right, but I can change. You know how it's been around camp lately, what, with Dutch and the Pinkertons."

"That's not much of an excuse." You deadpanned. "But... I know. I just... it's straining. And when I see you stressed and obviously upset, I don't know what to do. I just think to myself: am I not enough? I mean-"

You were cut off by Arthur suddenly connecting his lips to yours in a passionate, desperate kiss. He eased when you returned the exchange, hands landing on your hips to bring you closer.

Parting for air, your foreheads connected, his arms snaked around your waist to bring you into a huge, warm embrace.

"'m sorry, (Y/N). You don't deserve this."

You wrapped your arms around his torso, head burying tightly into his chest. You inhaled his scent, as if checking if it was still as comforting as ever. That it was. And you smiled widely at that.

"I'm sorry. What I said was far too harsh." Muffled into his shirt, you eased as his hand ran gently through your hair.

"I deserve it." A pause. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"

"It means we're back together." You chuckled, leaning into his surpsingly soft touch. "Just... I know thing in camp have been difficult, but there are better ways to go about letting off steam."

He nodded, planting a kiss to the top of your head. "I know. And I'll be better, I swear it."

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