Lenny x Reader - Flirt

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You had grown fond of Lenny, though you would never admit it. Not in front of the others, anyways. You had grown fond of his surprisingly kind nature, of his helpfulness and eagerness to assist in any way he could, of his shy and held back words around you.

You were just fond of him.

You had asked Lenny if he would head to Saint Denis with you to watch a show. Abigail had made a comment about how it was 'a date!', which you, of course, dismissed in a hasty manner. Especially when Lenny chuckled and told Abigail to stop teasing you.

She was so smug about the fact he became your Knight in shining armour, whatever that meant.

"So, how are you doing, Lenny?"

"I'm doing fine, (Y/N). And you?"

"Much better now that it's just the two of us." A bold move on your part, especially considering you were usually quiet around him.

You eased as he laughed to himself, but somehow you doubted he was laughing at you.

"As long as I can help with your day, that's fine." He flashed you a smile as he fixed his worn hat on his head so that it sat level.

A moment of silence.

"You know, Lenny, I don't really know what to say, but that I'm not the most good looking in camp by any means, but if it means anything to you, I'm the only one talking to you right now."

That definitely took him by surprise. The man looked to you with raised brows, a very faint blush splattered on his cheeks as your words processed.

"I wouldn't say you're the worst looking in camp, but if it's anything to you that I think you'll believe, you're certainly the best to converse with there." Was he proud of his use of a word a few (many, perhaps) people at camp couldn't use? Yes. Yes he was.

"Thanks, Lenny. That does mean a lot." You looked down, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "You're ugly, but you're interesting."

He gave a laugh, lurching forward slightly into his saddle.

"Ouch. Is that your way of flirtin'?"

"Are you ignoring my other attempts?"

"Let's get to Saint Denis and depending on how it goes, depends on my answer."

You gave a playful eye roll and huff, though you couldn't be more excited at the prospect of a fun evening with this very interesting man who you were fond of.

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