Javier X Reader - Shy

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"Hey, amiga!" Javier's chirpy, accented voice called out for you, smile practically beaming in his words.

You halted, and, looking to him like a deer in proverbial headlights, pointed to yourself slowly, as if waiting for him to say 'no, the one behind you'. Instead, he nodded.

You swallowed thickly, heart pounding. It became hard to breathe as you neared.

"Yes, Javier?"

"Come sit with me, huh? You've been avoiding everyone and seem lonely."

You mentally cursed, blushing softly at his proposal. Not wanting to be rude, you took a seat opposite the foreigner.

"So, how's your day been?"

Such a simple question, though one you felt awkward answering.

"It's been good, thank you. And you?"

"Good, good. Been seeking out a potential job with Charles."

"How's that going?"

"Well. It has the potential for a lot of revenue our way." His smile, however, faltered slightly. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

That made you straighten, "Yes. I'm fine. I just..." You droned off, looking down with burning cheeks.

"Was it something I said?" He sounded slightly worried. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's not you. I just... I'm shy."

"Oh." A pause. "Oh! Siñorita, there's no need. I don't bite." His grin was both mischievous and genuine, which put you on edge.

"I know. It's not you. You're actually really nice." You offered a smile, especially at how he was suddenly glowing in pride. "Can I have some of your whiskey?"

His gaze flickered to the glass before he extended it your way. He watched as you took a surprisingly large gulp, and then as you coughed violently.

"You okay, amiga?"

"I-I'm fine!" You squeaked through a cough, heartily pounding your chest. Surprisingly, that helped.

Javier couldn't help the laugh that rumbled through his chest, "You're both stupid but incredibly clever. Not only did you take a big drink when you rarely drink, but you had me fooled about your shyness!"

"I'm not lying." You defended quietly, clearing your throat. "I just thought that you'd be more interested in speaking to me if I were to drink.."

"I was interested in speaking to you without that, that's why I called you over." He shook his head. "Relax! For tonight, it's just you, me, and the rest of the bottle."

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