Part 7: The Night

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The corridor was longer than I had remembered. The stones on either side of me whispered the pain of their inhabitants into my ears like a deadly breeze. Nuala and Cerridwen stood slightly behind me on either side. Protection. They were protection. Why Cassian or Az couldn't come with me, I couldn't remember.
We approached the door of solid dirt and bones. With a touch of my fingertip, it fell into the ground as if it had never been there.
The bone Carver stood in the middle of the room wearing my son's skin.
"You," I stuttered," I- I thought you died?"
"I did." A gentle voice said, one much too small to come from his mouth.
"Then, then how-?" His body began to morph as I felt bile coming up my
throat. It shifted and bubbled until a face I thought I would never see again loomed above me.
"Don't you see human?" The red-clad body said to me, "He already has."

I shot up from my nightmare to see Rhys' face above mine. His calm darkness filled the room so I couldn't even see the bed.
"Breathe, Feyre."
And I did. Barely. I gasped for air, but my windpipe was clenched so tight only a sliver could make it through. That is until I felt the nausea rush over me and the bile rise in my throat. Tears still falling from my eyes, I lunged off the bed hoping to make it to the toilet, but I hunched over and began to still my insides on the carpet instead.
Rhy's was right behind me rubbing the circles on my back that I knew so well. It has been a while since I had a nightmare that lead me to this. Normally I simply woke up and found Rhy's beside me and it was all I needed. But even those were far and few.
The worst part about being sick is probably dry heaving. Where your body spasms in order to expel things that aren't even there. After the vomiting and the dry heaving, I was left more exhausted than I was before, and just as terrified. Breathing heavily I slumped back onto Rhys', who gathered me in his arms in a swift motion and carried me away from the sick and onto my old bed. He didn't let go of me for a second, not even when pulling back the covers. He was keeping me tethered to reality. His mind was wrapped around mine like a kitten purring gently to calm me.
"Breathe" he continued to whisper.
We both had a hand over my abdomen to feel that tiny heartbeat through our sensitive fae skin. Still alive. They're still alive.
After a few moments when the shakes were gone and I was breathing normally again, Rhys whispered, "You haven't had one that bad in a while."
"Yeah. A good long while."
"Do you want to talk about it?" I just shook my head and nuzzled my nose into his neck. He kept running his hands up and down my spine like he always did when I was upset. After kissing my head he whispered, "Never again."
"Never again."

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