Part 24: Memories and Moans

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AN: This chapter is pretty smutty. Last time I wrote a smutty chapter I was a junior in high school who knew nothing about anything so hopefully, this is better than the other smutty chapter. I've kept it pretty light on the plot so it can be skipped if you don't like smut. 

I didn't wake up until almost three in the afternoon the next day. We arrived at the cabin in the early hours of the morning, and although I felt like I had been awake for days, the sight of Rhys as he got in the shower drove me wild. When we finally went to bed, my entire body felt sore. It was still stiff when I rolled over to find an empty spot next to me. I jumped out of bed, wrapping the sheets around myself. He's just in the next room, he's just in the next room, I reassured myself. Before I could even get out our bedroom door, he was standing in the hall in front of me,

"I thought I heard you get up." He purred, walking closer to me. I didn't hold the sheet up much longer.


Later, in the kitchen, Rhys pulled something out of the oven.

"You cooked?" I asked in disbelief.

"Gods no," He smirked, turning around to where I was seated on the counter. "When Cass came to brief me, he brought some bread dough Elain insisted on us having. She seems to have even less faith in my cooking than you do."

"She knows first hand I'm shit at it," I said, wrapping my legs around him. "What did he say?"

"I wanted to tell you after lunch. I didn't want to ruin the morning." He said, kissing my neck. I pulled his head up.

"The sun will set within the hour, and as much as I want to stay here forever, the world is going to shit. Tell me"

He let out a deep sigh. "There's still no sign of Nuala and Cerridwen is in rough shape. She's alive, but if it weren't for Madja's magic, she would have been long gone." I planted my hands on his waist and pulled him closer to me. "He said Amren's on a hunch, thinks she might have found something, but not to wait up for word, and that most of the refugees are in temporary homes and apartments on the edge and inside the city."

"Do we know what's happening in the Spring Court?"

"Anyone who goes down there is in danger, so Az is having trouble finding spies to go down, he almost went himself, but your sister stopped him. So, no, not really. But the guard did catch a few of Tamlin's minions trying to sneak in. Az is...speaking with them now." I stroked up and down his tense back, his wings drooped.

"Why didn't you tell me? "I asked, "I can tell its bugging you." He rested his head on my shoulder. "Even after all these years, you hold so much in so that I, well all of us really, don't hurt. You know you can tell me things."

"It's not that its—" he said. He looked around the room for a moment before pulling me off the counter. "I need to show you something." A little weary, he took my hand and led me over to the bookshelf in the living room where he grabbed what looked like a scrapbook. He sat down on the couch and pulled me next to him.

"What is this?" I asked as he handed me the book.

"It was my mothers." He said, pulling it open to reveal slightly sloppy longhand, leaning across the first page. It looked a bit like his. "She...well, you know what lengths she went to trying to keep herself barren to spare her wings. It caused some problems. It's practically a miracle me and... anyway, she wrote in this every day she was pregnant with me and again with my sister. She recorded everything; symptoms, milestones, changes, and life in general." His eyes were glassing over as he stared down at the book. "I found it after she died and just remembered it a few days ago. I flipped through it today and," Tears were leaking out of his eyes now. I moved even closer to him, trying to comfort my mate. "Her life was so peaceful, Feyre. There was no war, no fighting, and yah, my father was a proper dick, but she was safe. I can't give that to you." I sighed and brushed the tears from his cheeks.

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