Authors Note: The End of an Era

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Hi Guys! It's me, EVP, here with some sad news. This is going to be long but its super important that you read the whole thing because I have some questions for you if you are willing to answer them! 

After a lot of consideration, I have decided that its time to officially stop working on Any Day Darling. This was not an easy decision to come to at all, but I thought it would be unfair to you all to leave you in the dark or string you along. 

I started Any Day Darling when I was sixteen, less than a month after reading the series for the first time. I thought I was just going to write a few bad chapters bashing Tamlin and alot of Feysand fluff. I didn't think anyone would ever read it. Obviously, I was mistaken.  When I started working on Any Day Darling again at the beginning of quarantine, it was something I really needed. At the time, I was in a dark place; I was scared, alone, and felt lost without school work. Coming back to writing fanfic and getting lost inside a story I loved so much was exactly what I needed. But, as time has passed, I found that writing fic just wasn't making me happy anymore. It's not that I stopped loving ACOTAR or SJM, because I still love them more than life, but writing this didn't feel fun anymore. It felt more like a chore and it kept me from writing things I wanted to write. 

Since I stopped writing Any Day Darling back in May, I have written the first 11,000 words of my first draft of my novel. I filled journals with world building and created set of characters that I love to write. I built histories and magic systems and I felt so happy every day sitting down at my computer to write. 

I am incredibly sad that this chapter of my life is coming to a close, but it is something that needs to happen. Even though writing the fic doesn't make me happy anymore, I'm still torn up over not getting to reveal to you the grand plans I had in store or write the scene that started it all, with aelin falling through the sky. 

You all have been such an amazing reader base and I am beyond thankful. Reading your comments and seeing how much my story meant to you touched me and encouraged me to keep writing. I wouldn't have had it any other way. 

I have been considering a few options as to where to go from here and I would love love love your input as to what you would like to see happen next, because this story is as much yours as it is mine. 

First off,  I could leave the story as it is, unfinished, and let you all decide for yourselves what you think could have happened. Or, I could post my outline, showing where I was planning to go and everything I was planning to do. If people are devided, I am willing to find ways to get the outline to people who want to see it, but not make it super public.  For a peroid of time, I considered finding someone else to finish out this story for me, but I havent found anyone I trust enough. If you all are intrested in seeing someone else write Any Day Darling, please let me know and I might look into it again (and if you want to write any day darling DM me and we can talk!). If you have another suggestion or idea, let me know! 

I also wanted to use this space to ask you if anyone has any intrest in me posting part of the novel I'm working on (After all, Sarah did pot TOG to fictionpress first, right?!) or if anyone has any intrest in being a beta reader in the future. 

Thank you again for being so amazing and supportive of me. I had a wonderful time and wouldn't change it one bit. 

Good luck to everyone as the world reopens and we head back to school, work, or whatever else you might do. Times are tough, and now more than ever we need to remember that we are the dreamers that are going to save and rebuild this world. 

Signing off for the last time, 

Yours truly, 


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