Part 9: Firenight part one

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I pushed the blade into the holster in my boot until I heard a gentle click, signaling to me that the springs were loaded and ready. Nesta started tinkering with weapons a few months after she and Cass returned from in the mountains. Turns out, she's a freaking master and has devised many contraptions like these since. With this particular one, a string that feeds up through your pant leg need only be slightly tugged and a dagger will fly up to hands reach. At the time, I thought it unnecessary but as Rhys and I prepared to face the spring court and it's firenight, I was very grateful for the daggered boots. 

"You remember the plan?" Rhy's asked me as he ran his hands down my shoulders. 

"Of course I do, I came up with half of it. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I asked him, "If we're wrong, it could really ruin our reputation."
"Positive." He said kissing my cheek, "Is everyone in place?"
" Yes, az and our shadows have examined the cave and prepared the cup, Cass is ready under the stone stage armor in hand, Lucian is meeting us down there and Mor is bringing Amren the blood in the temple as we speak."
"Mother you're a genius." He sighed. He picked up my purple cape from the chair and fastened it around my neck. "Ready?"
"Let's expose this bitch."


Spring court fae waved at us as we walked along the path set aside for the high Lord's and ladies to the fire caves. All around, small campfires popped up for the smaller celebrations that would take place for the fae that couldn't see inside the cave. Even with their seating arrangements, the fae seemed so happy and joyous, drinking and eating like there was nothing wrong with the world. If only they knew what corruption they were living under.
We arrived fashionably late, a mere 30 minutes before the rite. We wouldn't need to waste much time at the event, plus we needed all the time to prepare.
Az strode beside Rhy's and I as the three of us alone took down the path. Let leaned down to my ear and whispered so softly that I could barely hear, "directly above the stage, exactly 60.75 inches above it, is a natural catwalk, hidden enough for people not to see you, but with enough gap space between the cave wall that you can watch from above. It's normally used for guards but Nuala and Cerridwen have already taken care of them" I nodded gently, but continued to wave to the crowd.
We had reached the mouth of the cave, and even though I could barely see inside I could tell the party inside the cave was raging on. In fact, as we passed the mouth and entered the heart, I found the party much larger than I had thought. Fae from all over Prythian were dancing, weaving in and out of rows of tables. In the center, a massive fire that seamed to burn purple flicked in the darkness. Up at the top on a raised stone stage, sat Tamlin and the rest of the high Lord's and ladies, looking down on the scene. Tamlin sat in a large thrown in the middle of the stage, composed of what might have been diamonds.

Silently, Rhys held out his arm, and I linked mine with his as we winnowed to the top of the stage. As we appeared, a few fae clapped throughout the crowd but it died quickly.

"Rhysand, I was beginning to think you were skipping the ceremony." Tamlin lured from his crystal throne.
"Wouldn't dream of missing this mess of a festival." He said, strolling up to him.
"Are my eyes playing a trick on me, or is that lipstick on your collar?" Tamlin poked the collar of Rhys jacket. I stroked my hand over Rhys's chest and grabbed his collar.
"In the night court, unlike here, find no shame in our more...primal urges."
"We do no such thing," he said defensively, "we simply tell mated men when they you say..whipped."
Well, that little mother fuc-"Look in the mirror Tam." I said, cutting off Rhys thought. I pulled him away from the tool standing across from us and back to our seats.
Remember love-I said to him down the bond- if this plan is going to work we are going to have to keep our cool, both of us.
I know Feyre darling, He said as we took our seats, it's simply very hard to not murder him every time he looks at you.
How in the world did you do it when I was with him?
600 years of built-up self-restraint I hadn't needed until then.
I laughed out loud, causing some heads to turn, but neither of us cared.
It's almost time Rhys, I whispered to him, you have to remember when it's happening that it's not me, you have to remember that love.
I will, he said, and if I don't, the worst thing that happens is that Tamlin dies.
I laughed again, before standing up and leaving over Rhys's seat. "I'm gonna go get us drinks, okay love?" I announced loudly.
"Mhmm, get me a midnight bourbon, will you?" He asked.
I nodded and leaned my head down to his and kissed him quick and deep. I stood up to move but a voice came from behind.
"Mind if I join you, High Lady?" Lucian strode over from the other side of Tamlin.
"Of course Lucian," I said as we walked down the steps and towards the drink table. Once out of earshot of the others, he finally asked,
"What are you two up to Feyre?"
"I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about Lucian."
"Feyre, I know you, know what you stand for, and it's not what Tamlin doing. If you're brave enough to march against one of the most powerful fae in mortal flesh, you're most certainly brave enough to stand up to him."
"I'm aware of that Lucian," I said, pouring myself a drink
"So what are you up to?" He asked again
"Frankly Lucian, it's none of your bloody business." I took a long sip from the sparkling wine, "but, because you asked, I will warn you to stay out of the way tonight. Make sure you and your father stand nowhere near Tam-tam when he picks his wife. I seem to remember that he gets particularly angry when someone interrupts his little rite.
"Tam-tam? Feyre what do you me-"
"Goodbye Lucian," I said as he lunched for me, but it was too late. I had already winnowed directly into Ieathe's old and abandoned temple.

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