Part 8: The Morning.

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We were awoken by birds chirping outside the window. It was strange to wake up to something almost foreign, not many birds chose to live in the night court, and why would they when they could live somewhere where it's always spring?
Rhy's wings were wrapped around me like they often did. "The cocoon of warmth" Rhys always joked, but it was more protection. Nothing was getting through those wings to me. His hand still lay over my abdomen where our child grew. 
"Good morning darling." He said from behind me. I turned around to see my mate wide awake.
"Morning." My voice was groggy.
"You feeling any better?" He muttered through the soft kiss he planted on my lips.
"Still wonderfully morning sick, mother hen." He flicked my nose. Mother, I loved it when he did that. "but that's good. Means the baby's growing." A smile grew on his face.
"What?" I asked him, a smile just as big on my own face.
"One word. Baby." He kissed the corner of my mouth, "You," The other corner, "My mate," the tip of my nose, "are carrying my child." I lunged for him, pulling him into a deep kiss. When we broke for air I slid out from under him and planted my bare feet on the ground. I walked over to the old vanity and examined the small bump you could see through the tight slip I had worn to bed. I had been too uncomfortable in the palace to sleep in the nude like we normally did. But I was glad for it, as the slip hugged my slim figure and showed off the tiny bump where my child grew. I slid my hand over the bump. Perhaps it was my motherly instincts beginning to settle in, but I could almost feel the energy radiating off the fetus. Rhy's joined me, (his member pressing against me, for he had slept in the nude) drifting hands across my abdomen.
That's ours, he whispered down the bond.
Yah, it is.  I gripped the vanity chair as I felt a wave of nausea sweep over me. Rhy's hands were on my shoulders instantly
"Just trying to keep down my insides. Morning sickness is a bitch."
"Perhaps a walk in the fresh air would help, through these for lack of a better word, gardens?"
"Elain's put theirs to shame, doesn't it?"
"It certainly does."


We strolled through the halls in nothing but our pajamas and dressing gowns. In our own home, Rhys never wore pajamas, only donning boxers if we had to be around other fae in the morning. But I always favored my dressing gown Rhys mother had made all those years ago. He loved it too.
He wanted to walk out the front doors, but I pulled him through to the kitchens.
All the kitchen staff came to a halt as we entered. One girl even dropped the tray she was carrying. Some began to curtsy at us, but I shook my head and waved their praise away. They shuffled back to their work again, at a much slower pace.
"May I?" I asked one of the kitchen staff pointing at a tray of pastries.
"Of course Ma'am." Rhy's rolled his eyes at my politeness. He had told me time and time again that it might not be so smart to be as polite to the fae of other courts as I am my own. "Sometimes people think it makes us weak", but had given up on that argument long ago. After all, these were the people I left behind. I truly would be a monster if I didn't show them kindness.
I bit into the flakey pastry and had to contain myself as not to moan from the goodness of the treat.
"By the mother, this is amazing. Who made this?" The kitchen-maid pointed to the female working away at a kneading a large slab of dough. When she turned around I recognize her face instantly.
Rhys, I have an idea and it's mildly crazy but I think it will work.
What are you talking abo-
Meet me outside, would you dear? Rhys rolled his eyes but planted a peck on my cheek and strolled out of the kitchen door with all his Rhys swagger.
I walked towards Mor's mate, with my pastry in hand. When I approached her she ceased her work and bowed deeply.
"Lady Feyre I-"
"Stand up dear, no need to bow. What's your name?"
"Cerra Ma'am." She said as she straightened back up,
" Well Cerra, did you make this, it's absolutely amazing."
" Yes, Ma'am, I did. It's my mother's recipe."
" Well, you and your mother must be some kind of kitchen geniuses."
"Yes, she was." She looked down at the ground, trying to blink back tears. I laid a hand on the poor girl's shoulder. "She died back when the wall broke. She said she would be glad for it because she would rather die than fight for Hybern."
"I am so sorry." I sighed, looking her in the eye.
" Don't be Ma'am. She was nobody. We're all nobody around here."
"Oh that's simply not true," I said to her, "everyone is someone. I know it may not feel like it here, but trust me when I say that you have a place in the world."
"Thank you, Ma'am."
"Speaking of," I lead her away from the other staff, " My mate and I noticed you last night, you have an incredible talent for magic, much too large of one to be wasted down here in the kitchens of this sad lonely place."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that when my court and I leave for Velaris, I would be honored if you would come with us. To work for us if you wish, or to live and work in Velaris. You could even open your own bakery."
"Are you serious?" She breathed. Her eyes were as wide as her mouth as it fell open.
"Dead serious." Cerra jumped up with a squeal and wrapped her arms around me.
"Oh my God's, I'm so sorry." She said as she jumped back.
"Don't be." I wrapped the shaking girl in an embrace as she squeezed me back. "I'll send word for you before we leave if I can't find you myself."
"What what about Lord Tamlin?"
"If he gives you any trouble, you send him straight to my mate and I." It had been a long time since I had seen someone smile that wide.

I gripped Rhys's hand tightly as we walked along the twisting garden paths. He had his arm wrapped around my waist, keeping me warm in the crisp spring morning mist.
"So what was that all about?" He asked a moment after I joined him from the kitchens.
"That female, the waitress from last night, I spoke to her and told her if she wishes there is a place for her in Velaris. She will join us when we leave."
"Good." Rhys said, " no one should have to waste their days away here. Especially someone who makes such damn good pastry."
I laughed, but fell silent after a moment, looking at the rotting pavilion standing in front of us.
I can't believe I almost got married here, I said to him down the bond.
Good thing I was here to stop that.
I chuckled but gripped him tighter. He turned me around so he could look me in the eye.
I will always find you, Feyre darling, and save you if you don't manage that part yourself.
Don't you see love? I brushed my hand along his cheek and pulled him closer. You save me every day.

And right there in the garden of my former prison, he kissed me, slowly and full of love. He didn't care who was watching, or what kind of spectacle a kissing high Lord and lady in their pajamas may be. And I didn't either.

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