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Jungkook stared at the message

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Jungkook stared at the message. Why would he just randomly say goodnight? Especially at 1 in the morning. Hoseok never does that.

He huffed as he sat there dumbfounded. Should he even reply? What would he even reply with?
He hesitantly sent something back.

 Should he even reply? What would he even reply with? He hesitantly sent something back

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Jungkook regretted asking the question as anxiety filled his body

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Jungkook regretted asking the question as anxiety filled his body. Did he really want to know why? Did he really want to know why Taehyung wanted to kiss Hoseok instead of him..?

He felt his phone vibrate a couple minutes later and quickly opened the message.

He felt his phone vibrate a couple minutes later and quickly opened the message

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Jungkook felt like an idiot as he put his phone down after Hoseok didnt reply for 10 minutes, assuming he fell asleep

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Jungkook felt like an idiot as he put his phone down after Hoseok didnt reply for 10 minutes, assuming he fell asleep. He knows he made a big deal out of nothing over Taehyung.

"I shouldn't care this fucking much about him" Jungkook said as he buried his face into his pillow.

He couldn't help the way he felt though.
He couldn't help that he found himself wanting to hold Taehyung more and more. He couldn't help the fact that he got jealous over how Tae would spend more time with everyone else other than him now.

Jungkook brought his hands up to grip his pillow as he buried his face deeper into it.
For the first time since the interview, he let out a sob. He knows that he doesn't have anything to cry over. He still has his friends.
He still has Taehyung.

They don't treat him the same though.
They treat him as though he's fragile and they don't see him as the golden maknae anymore, but as the sad boy who has a pathetic crush on his best friend.

Jungkook doesn't know that they think the opposite though..that he's become stronger.

Jungkook let out his emotions into his pillow, curling his body upwards into himself. He hated feeling weak but that's all he felt right now.

Jungkook didn't hear his bedroom door open so when a familiar deep voice called out to him, he froze.

"Kookie? Are you okay?"

Jungkook immediately sat up, looking towards the voice that made his heart flutter.
He could see his door ajar in the shadows, but he couldn't see anything there.
Feeling vulnerable, he quickly fumbled for his phone and turned the flashlight on, shining it towards his door.

He saw a sleepy Taehyung, half of his body poking through from behind his bedroom door. His hair was messy and his nose scrunched up as he brought a hand up to shield his eyes from the light. He groaned tiredly in protest at Jungkook.

Jungkook mumbled a small sorry and lowered the light out of his face, shining it on his torso instead.

Taehyung squinted his eyes, barely seeing the outline of the younger's body.
“Jungkook, lower the light more please” he mumbled. “I can't see you.”

Jungkook lowered the light to the floor and watched as Taehyung smiled softly, finally being able to see his face. "What are you doing up?
It's almost 4 in the morning."
Jungkook asked as Taehyung yawned.

"I was getting a drink of water until i heard noises coming from your room." He smile faltered a bit "You okay?"

Jungkook wasn't about to admit to Taehyung that he was the reason that he was crying.
"Yeah! Yeah..i had a nightmare, that's all. I'm sorry if i bothered you."

"Aw, well that's no good. Can i come in? You can talk about it to me?" Taehyung pushed open the door a bit more, ready to walk in.

Jungkook smiled as he gestured for Tae to come in. "Um..yeah. Sure. You dont have to though, it's nothing worth speaking about." he laughed.

"Nonsense" Taehyung dragged out the word as he playfully jogged over to the bed, plopping down next to Jungkook. The force made Jungkook bounce around, causing him to laugh again.
"I will make myself comfy while you start speaking." Taehyung said as he slipped under the covers.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung huddled under the covers, looking up at him with big eyes when he was settled in. He smiled at Tae and crossed his legs, turning slightly to face him.

"It's just a nightmare i have sometimes...Most times. You all learn to hate me and kick me out."

Jungkook felt comfortable as he spoke.
He hasn't been alone with Taehyung since the interview. He missed it.

"I had it sometimes before the interview, but it became more recent afterwards."
He forced a small smile.

"That's really it. It's like..you guys feel disgusted by me and stuff." he laughed. "I hate it because i know that you guys arent like that, hell, Our hyungs could all be gay for all we know."
He smiled at the thought and then looked up to see a frowning Taehyung.

Jungkook shiffted uncomfortably in the silence until Taehyung sat up and wrapped his arms around him in a hug. He then lowered himself down, pulling Jungkook with him.

Jungkook uncrossed his legs and fell comfortably into Taehyung's hold, sighing with content.

Jungkook had his head laying on Taehyung's shoulder as Taehyung held him.
He remembers when they used to cuddle all the time. Sometimes Taehyung would text Jungkook before he fell asleep, demanding that he came to his room for cuddles.

"I wish you didn't dream of those things.." Taehyung started to run his hand up and down Jungkook's side, loving the dip that happens at his waist. "I know that i probably made it worse, but i love you so much. We all do.
We all love you to death."

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