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Jungkook felt his heart swell at Taehyung telling him he loved him, but it broke quickly because he was stupid enough to think for a slight second that he meant actual love.

"I love you too." Jungkook whispered sadly.

Taehyung heard Jungkook's whisper and felt a sudden awkwardness creeping up on him.
His movements stopped rubbing Jungkook's side and he then removed Jungkook's arm that was wrapped around his torso. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of bed and onto the floor.

He turned to smile back at a frowning Jungkook though. "Get some sleep kookie, okay? I'm gonna go get that glass of water and try to get some sleep again too." He stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung left.
When the door clicked shut he groaned a flopped himself back down onto his back and covered his face with his hands. He let a single tear drip down from his eye until he felt his tiredness hit him all at once, causing his eyes to drift shut.

He turned over onto his side and reached down to get something under the bed that he kept hidden from everyone else. When he had what he wanted, he flopped back down onto his side.

Taehyung gave him this object, well he gave it to all the members, excitedly when it was released. Taehyung didn't know he held it for comfort during his sad times.

Jungkook hugged the TaTa pillow tightly to his chest and let sleep take him over.

When Jungkook woke up it was already past noon. He heard everyone else talking down the hall as he opened his door. Not wanting to interact with them, he snuck towards the bathroom and tried to open the door.
He sighed quietly in frustration when it was locked.

This was the closest bathroom near Jungkook's room and going to another one would result in him being seen.

He was grumpy and tired. He just wanted to ignore everyone, take a leak, and go back to bed.

He turned around and sat on the floor next to the door. He figured he'd wait for the person to come out, but when he heard the shower start he groaned and slumped against the wall.
"Please make this quick" he sighed.

As Taehyung stepped out of the shower he dried his hair with his towel before settling it around his waist. The bathroom became pretty suffocating with all the steam so he didn't want to stay in the room for very much longer.

He opened the door and walked out, lowering his head to ruffle his hair. Everything was going swell until he turned to go to his room and tripped over a now sleeping Jungkook's legs.

Taehyung went tumbling to the ground and Jungkook woke with start.

Jungkook brought up his knees instinctively which caused Taehyung's lower half to be pushed up into the air, his right leg sliding down over Jungkook's thighs and his left leg sliding down in the other direction onto the ground.
Basically, Taehyung was straddling Jungkook's knees.

Taehyung landed on his forearms, crying out as he felt a pain shooting up his body from the impact that was made on his manhood as it slammed down onto Jungkook's legs.

Jungkook couldn't move to help make things less painful because of the way Taehyung was positioned.

"Shit Tae, oh my god I'm so sorry" Jungkook rambled out, feeling horrible. He could see Taehyung's face wincing from pain. He tried to move his knees a bit but Taehyung mumbled out something incoherent as he winced again.

Jungkook knew this meant for him to just stop moving and give Taehyung a minute, so he did. While he sat there though, he couldn't stop his wandering eyes.

His eyes gazed upon Taehyung's wet hair hanging down over his face and they slowly moved downwards. He gulped as he studied Taehyung's back, the muscles bulging out between his broad shoulders. He felt like a pervert, but his eyes flicked to the loose towel hanging on Tae's hips.

Sadly for Jungkook, nothing was showing but the crease that was formed at Taehyung's hips from being bent over nearly sent Jungkook to heaven.

He let out a slow breath as he looked down at the shin laying across his own groin. He felt tense but he didn't want this moment to end.

Taehyung had his forehead resting on the back of his hands as they pressed against the floor.
He would have recovered a lot quicker after falling if he hadn't jacked off in the shower beforehand. The sensitivity from his earlier actions made the pain even more excruciating.

He groaned and after a couple of seconds he pushed himself up with his arms. He took slow breaths, trying to keep down the vomit that threatened to appear.

Jungkook's eyes left Taehyung's body as he felt Tae's shin press harder into his groin as he tried to move.

The more Taehyung struggled, the harder his shin pressed into Jungkook.

Jungkook tried his best to help Taehyung but it was hard when your crush was making your body feel pleasured without even knowing that they were doing such a thing.

Jungkook slowly spread his legs outwards as Taehyung sat up so the pained man wouldn't have to sit up on his knees. Smart idea right? Protecting Taehyung from more pain?
Yeah, no, because now Taehyung was sitting right on Jungkook's crotch as he straddled Jungkook's right thigh.

Taehyung didn't think anything of it because he didn't realize he was in such an awkward position. He started cursing himself internally for being an idiot until he realized something.

"Wait" he looked at Jungkook "why were you sleeping out here?"

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