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Jungkook's jaw tightens as he stops walking.
They haven't even been out of their dorm for 3 hours and they've already found something to fight over apparently.

"What did I do now, huh?" Jungkook says sternly as Taehyung turns to finally look at him.

"We even agreed that you don't run away from me anymore, but look at what you're doing.
What did I do that was so bad because I don't understand Taehyung, I really don't"
Jungkook takes a deep breath.
"I've done everything you've wanted me to do."

Hearing Jungkook's words made Taehyung stop thinking his annoyed thoughts and he sighed, stepping closer to Jungkook.

"Ugh.. Baby I-" Taehyung reached out his hand to Jungkook but he didn't expect to be slapped away.

"Don't 'baby' me Tae. Not now."

Taehyung stared in shock at the stern Jungkook before him. This was his fault. Why was Jungkook getting so mad at him when he's the one who messed up over..something.
He did mess up right?

"Just stop Jungkook. We'll talk at home." Taehyung whispered forcefully.

Jungkook huffed at the statement.
This was really pathetic. Their first fight as a couple was definitely one that should have never even happened.

"Taehyung I'm, ugh, whatever."
Jungkook walked forward past Taehyung before hesitating and turning back around.

"You know that I love you. I won't ever stop loving you whether it be at home or in public." Jungkook's voice trembled but he stood firm.
"You say you love me, but that seems to not be the case when we're around fans."

Taehyung's mouth dropped open slightly as he listened.

Jungkook was hurting. He knew he was probably making a big deal out of everything, but when you're high on emotions it's hard to bring your thoughts down.

"I understand you not wanting to be outed, but you're with me. If you can't accept that, we're done."

Taehyung froze as he watched Jungkook turn and finally walk away. Did he hear him right? Done? As in over, a breakup? His thoughts immediately became a mess. He can't lose Jungkook.

Things just took a sharp turn and Taehyung feels like the whole world is sitting on his chest.

So Instead of following Jungkook, Taehyung turned and went the opposite way.
It was childish of him to do and he knew it would hold everyone up from leaving, but he couldn't be near any of them right now.

He found his way to a restroom, and locked himself inside.

Taehyung started pacing back and forth.
He was going through what just happened in his head. He realizes he was mad at Jungkook for not making up a crush. He's honestly just been annoyed at the boy ever since they walked out into the open.

Maybe it's because Jungkook wouldn't stop looking at him. Jungkook wasn't the best at keeping things subtle which also put Taehyung on edge with his nerves.

Taehyung turned on the sink and cupped his hand under the faucet to catch the water and bring it up to his face.

He rubbed his face a few times before reaching down to grip the edges of the sink.
Taehyung closed his eyes tightly and sighed. Maybe Jungkook was right. Taehyung hasn't even though about his love for the younger since they arrived.

That could be a sign that he doesn't truly love Jungkook as much as he thought he did.
But that can't really be the reason though because Taehyung knows he loves Jungkook, but probably not in the way he should love him.

A knock on the door broke Taehyung out of his thoughts. He didn't move from his spot as Jungkook's voice filled the silence.

"Taehyung. Are you in there? Someone said you were. Come out, we need to go."
Jungkook sounded frustrated as he knocked on the door again.

Hearing Jungkook's voice just made Taehyung feel worse. He really has been walking all over him. No matter where they are, his love shouldn't change but it did. Maybe he really doesn't deserve Jungkook.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook's voice became softer as it filled with worry.

"Taehyung, open the door." The handle started to move as Jungkook tried to force his way in.

Taehyung sighed and tightened his grip on the sink. "Maybe we should be over kookie."
He spoke loudly so the other boy could hear him.

The movement of the handle stopped and everything went quiet. Taehyung could only hear his rapid breathing echo off of the bathroom walls around him.

"I'll catch up in a few minutes, go back to everyone else." Taehyung said when Jungkook didn't reply.

Taehyung finally glanced toward the door and dared to move towards it. He was starting to think that there was nobody on the other side anymore. That was until Jungkook spoke again.

"I'm sorry, but open the fucking door Taehyung. You're not breaking up with me in a bathroom."

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