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Surprisingly, the next day wasn't awkward.
The next few weeks were actually pretty great. Jungkook took his time in getting over his trauma and Taehyung was always there by his side along with his other hyungs. They were happy, but alas, it was time for another interview.

Now this would be the first time since Jungkook and Taehyung became a couple that they'd be leaving the dorm to do a BTS related event.
It was nerve racking. They weren't ready to come out so they came to a decision to keep their touching at a minimum.

That shouldn't be very hard right? They could still touch but just not kiss or linger too long.
Should they really be worrying so much about this? Maybe no one will even notice the lingering touches but maybe they will. No one worried as much as Jungkook though.

Jungkook was terrified. He didn't want to screw his relationship up and he knew that if he made one small mistake, he could potentially do that. He knows that Taehyung has been nothing but amazing to him so far, but he also knows Taehyung doesn't want to be outed.

Knowing that Taehyung would be furious at him if something happened, made him even more anxious. He wants his relationship to to last more than anything else he's ever wanted.

As BTS arrived at the event they exited the vehicle with sudden camera flashes going off.
They were used to it but it felt different knowing they had a couple within their group.

They all entered the building and found their places quickly for the interview.

It was going to be one of those interviews where they went through it and then left afterwards.
It was kinda pointless really but the last one was a mess.
This one would hopefully make up for that.

It doesn't.

Their interviewer spoke their language this time, along with English, so Namjoon luckily didn't have to use his voice too much.

Jungkook sighed as Taehyung stood two members down from him.
He knew it was for the best, but Taehyung hasn't even spoke to him since they left.

They actually kissed before they left, but when they were out in public it was like Jungkook didn't exist to Taehyung. Yeah, it hurt, but things would go back to normal once they were back home. He would be able to have Taehyung's cuddles again.

He would be able to wake up to Taehyung's messy hair. He would be able to have food fights at 3 in the morning with him again as they try to bake cookies. He would be able to carry his boy on his back as they ran down the halls acting like children.

Jungkook would be able to have all of that again, but he had to survive this interview first and so far, it's starting off with all the same questions he's heard before. He never answers anything though, so he stands there, making glances towards Taehyung every few moments.

To make things less obvious, he'd make the same amount of glances towards everyone else.

Jungkook just barely caught the question that was thrown at him "who's your celebrity crush?"

Jungkook smiled nervously as he looked around at everyone.

Taehyung's eyes burned into him.

What is he supposed to say?! He doesn't have a crush. He has a boyfriend and he seriously can't even begin to think of any celebrities out there. So he pathetically throws his hand up to his face, places his finger underneath his nose, and pretends to think.

"Um, I know her face..but not her name" Jungkook finally says, causing everyone else to burst into laughter.

Jungkook laughs too, knowing that should be a good enough answer. As he looked over at Taehyung he saw a smile, but he wasn't sure if it was actually genuine.

The interviewer laughs and asks another qiestion that has Jungkook scrambling to find another answer again "Aw that's sad! Do you know the movie at least?"

"I know the movie but I don't know the movie name." Jungkook says giggling.

As more laughter erupts from everyone he can feel his hyungs patting his shoulder, slightly hugging him and telling him they'll find out who his sad, non-existent crush is.

Jungkook felt happy and stress free now as everyone started to involve him throughout the interview.

Taehyung wasn't all that happy though.
He was actually annoyed. Could Jungkook really not come up with a better answer?
He was so obvious it hurt. He tried his best to ignore what happened but how exactly would that look like to fans?

He put on his best smile until the interview was over. It left his face quickly though when the crew left.

Taehyung felt Jungkook's arm brush against his own.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked with a small smile. Taehyung ignored him and walked forward to join everyone else.

Jungkook's arm gripped Taehyung's hard as he pulled the older boy back.

"What the hell Tae?" Jungkook asks annoyed. Being distant was one thing but being completely ignored wasn't okay with the younger.

"We'll talk later." Taehyung snaps at him as he pulls his arm away.

"You can't just walk away like that!"
Jungkook follows Taehyung quickly as he walks away.

"Stop, you're going to cause a scene."
Taehyung groans as he keeps his eyes forward.

"There's no one here! They all left! What's your problem!" Jungkook raises his voice.

Taehyung doesn't know why he's getting so mad. Maybe it's his fear causing it or maybe he's truly annoyed at the boy over something so stupid. Whatever it is, Taehyung wishes he kept his mouth shut.

"Oh my god kookie, you're my fucking problem, stop pestering me!"

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