Chapter 18

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Lexa was sitting at the desk in her hotel room, combing through paperwork, but not really focused on any of it. Instead all that she could really think about was Clarke. Her idea for the chess game had worked, well, mostly worked, until the game came to an abrupt end when Clarke beat her. How the hell did she beat her? That, she would have to correct in the follow-up game. The follow-up game. Holy shit, there was going to be a follow-up game and Clarke was the one who suggested it. How did that even happen?

"Damn," Lexa sighed to herself as she leaned back in her chair and lit a cigarette.

Though their game had been filled with obvious tension, it was still just so good to be around Clarke again and to not feel like they were at each other's throats. Never had Lexa thought that she would ever feel so guarded around Clarke, but since her return, that was all that she felt and she didn't know why. Being around Clarke had been way harder than she had anticipated and there was something in Clarke's eyes that just shook her to her core. A slight tightness began to build in her chest and Lexa redirected her eyes to the pill bottle sitting on the edge of the desk. "I hate you," she muttered at it, before spinning her chair to look in the opposite direction.

She had known when she came back that the chances of her and Clarke actually being friendly with one another was slim to none and that it was completely her fault, but secretly, she had really hoped that they would be able to find a way to move passed it. They had always been able to find a way to work through their issues – always. This could work. It had worked. It had worked exactly how she had hoped, it had set a pace and she had been able to answer some of Clarke's questions. Whether or not Clarke liked the answers still remained to be unseen, but at least now she had them – some of them.

A light buzzing noise suddenly filled the room and glancing over, Lexa saw her phone lighting up on the bed.

***New Event Created***

BabyBlake: Here's you're early warning! Who's in next weekend?
Reyes: Eh, I'll think about it.
BabyBlake: Pfft. Bullshit. You're in.
Reyes: Yeah, I am.
JasperJ: Me too.
Linc: I suppose I'll be there.
BabyBlake: Well, considering you live here...

Lexa stared at her phone. Seriously? Already? Damn it! This was totally going to screw up her next game with Clarke!

BigBlake: Not me. Sorry, O.
BabyBlake: Not cool.
BigBlake: I'll make it up to you!
MontyG: I'll be there.
Reyes: Lincoln, who's cooking? You?
BabyBlake: That would be me.
Linc: She called dibs again.
Reyes: Ah, shit!
BabyBlake: Excuse me?
Reyes: Kidding, kidding!
MontyG: RoP?
BabyBlake: Got it covered.
JasperJ: Aren't we missing a few people here??
Reyes: ANYA!
Reyes: CLARKE!
Reyes: LEXA!
A: Stop being so obnoxious, Raven.
Reyes: But, I'm so good at it?
BabyBlake: Totally true.
Princess: I'll be late. I have plans.

Lexa stared at the screen, feeling slightly saddened and confused. Had Clarke really made plans to go out on the night that they were supposed to play again? Why would she do that? They were finally starting to get somewhere, finally starting to make progress and move forward.

Lexa dropped her head down into her hands, feeling completely deflated by the realization. Fuck. She had let herself get too caught up in thinking about the game and thinking that it was actually working. Too caught up in considering that maybe now their current status might be less than enemies. How could she have let herself think for a second that Clarke was on the same page as her? It was stupid. She was stupid. Of course they weren't on the same page. They hadn't been on the same page in years! Feeling her phone buzz again, Lexa reluctantly flipped it over.

Princess: Lexa will be late too.
Reyes: Ah shit – right, right. Game night.
Princess: Yep.
JasperJ: ?
A: I'm sorry. What's this now?
MontyG: ??
Princess: Long story.

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