Chapter 78

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Lexa's eyes blinked open slowly as she woke and after releasing a heavy sigh, she simply laid there for a moment just staring at the wall. It had been a long weekend – a good one, no doubt, but still long. On Friday she had been slightly worried that with of the thoughts that she had jammed into her head that the entire weekend would just be a total loss, but in the end it hadn't been. It hadn't been at all – in fact, if anything, having everyone there with her actually helped and talking to Bellamy helped.

Bellamy Blake, the quintessential big brother, wasted little time in seizing the moment and calling her out. Not in a bad way and not for what had happened – no, but rather more for the way that he, and everyone else, knew that she was getting down on herself about the whole thing. Much like Clarke, he had the words that could simply counter how she was feeling and he knew just how to use them.

Rolling over in the bed, Lexa stretched, quickly glancing to her right when her hand was met with nothing, except bunched up sheets. Clarke was actually up before her? Well, holy shit. Had she slipped into some alternate universe in her sleep?

Sitting up on the bed and scooting back against the headboard, Lexa briskly rubbed her fingers against her scalp and gave her head a good shake before grabbing her phone off of the nightstand and checking the time. It was late in the morning, but technically, still morning and being that it was Sunday and their weekend was slowly coming to a close, she was sure that most, if not all, of her friends were probably already awake and doing their thing, but still, where was Clarke? It seemed strange for her to not be there with her.

Getting to her feet, Lexa crossed the room to her dresser, retrieved a tank top and pulled it over her head before slipping into a pair of slacks and grabbing a shirt from the closet. Slipping her arms inside of it though, she paused when something on the other nightstand caught her attention. Approaching it rather slowly, Lexa felt her eyes narrow and her jaw clench as her eyes fell on a picture that Clarke had apparently drawn while she was asleep – a picture of her and as she picked it up, something dark began to rumble in her chest. What the...

"Hey, you're awake," Clarke said with a smile as she came through the door. "I brought you some coffee."
Lexa turned and stared at her, feeling her pulse begin to thump in her ears. "You drew me," she said evenly.
Clarke paused and looked at her. "Yeah," she said, before setting the mug down and reaching for the picture. "I woke up and everyone was still asleep. It's not finished yet, but I'll..."
"Don't," Lexa cut her off rather shortly, her tone weighted and firm.
"Don't what?" Clarke questioned as her brow furrowed slightly. "Finish it?"
"Draw me," Lexa answered as she dropped the picture down on the mattress and walked toward the door.
"Like, at all?" Clarke asked as she turned, staring at her in obvious confusion.
Lexa paused with her hand on the doorknob and squeezed it tightly. Damn right. "At all," she confirmed though her gritted teeth, feeling her heart pounding furiously in her chest.
"Lex, I..." Clarke started as she approached her carefully.
"Clarke, don't," Lexa shook her head, but didn't move. Seriously – don't, not right now.
"Look, I'm sorry," Clarke blurted out quickly, sounding undeniably sincere. "I didn't know that it would upset you."
Lexa felt a tremor of pure annoyance move through her body as her jaw snapped shut again. Really?
"Honestly, I didn't," Clarke said as she moved to touch her arm. "Please, don't be mad."
Lexa stepped back, moving out of her reach and leaning against the dresser as she bit down on her tongue and shook her head, focusing her gaze on the floor.

She was angry – really fucking angry and damn it, it was already slipping out of her grasp. Fuck – just fuck! Damn it!

"Okay," Clarke's tone came out with just a tiniest trace of annoyance. "Or be mad."
Lexa eyes snapped up as a pang fired off in her chest. "I am fucking mad," she spat at her instantly.
"I can see that," Clarke shot back at her. "But, why?"
"Because, you shouldn't have," Lexa glared at her, feeling her body flush with heat. "It's not right for you to draw me again, not when you know how badly I want you to talk to me about the other picture that you sold and you still won't give me a damn inch."
Clarke's eyes widened in plain shock. "I'm sorry," she repeated firmly. "I didn't think about it like that,"
"Well, you should have," Lexa sneered at her and crossed her arms. "Or better yet – just talk to me about it already."
Clarke shook her head again, honestly looking almost pained and took a step back. "I can't," she responded quietly.
"Why?" Lexa practically yelled at her. "What is the big fucking secret?"
"I need time," Clarke bit back at her as her blue eyes turned steely. "Why can't you just give me that?"
"I have given you that," Lexa pointed out quickly. Plenty of fucking time.
"Lexa," Clarke shook her head and took a step forward, quickly taking one of her hands in her own and cupping her cheek with the other. "Please, just trust me on this," she implored her as she gently thumbed her cheek.

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