Chapter 66

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Lexa rolled over in bed, snaking her arm around Clarke's waist and pulling her close as she smiled into her hair with the memories of the previous night flashing through her mind. Their little make out session at the end of the evening had been nice – very nice and it didn't really matter to either of them that it didn't lead into anything more. The pace that they had set for themselves was good – it was working for them, and really – that was all that mattered. Sure, there were some moments that were harder than others – that was pretty obvious, but where they were at was a comfortable place, a place where they could just spend time enjoying and even teasing each other. Though she had no doubt that when they were both finally ready to take that leap - they would, for now this was good. It was nice.

"Good morning," Clarke suddenly yawned.
Lexa smiled again and gave her a squeeze. "Good morning."
"I smell food," Clarke sighed, pressing back against her.
"Me too," Lexa mumbled lightly. "Do you want some coffee?"
Clarke turned in her arms, but didn't open her eyes. "I'd love some," she answered sleepily.
"Alright," Lexa said, dropping a light kiss on her forehead. "I'll be back in a few."
"Okay," Clarke muttered sleepily, but then tightened her grip.
"Clarke?" Lexa chuckled lightly.
"Hm?" Clarke hummed in response.
"I can't go and get you coffee if you don't let go," Lexa told her simply.
"Fuck the coffee," Clarke replied with a slight groan, still not opening her eyes as she scooted even closer. "Stay here with me."
"Okay," Lexa smiled again as she tangled their legs together, and gently rubbed her back. "For a little while."

Thirty minutes later, after each making their separate trips to the bathroom, the pair emerged from the bedroom with their hands intertwined and clumsily made their way down the hallway and into the kitchen, where they found that everyone else was already awake and enjoying the breakfast that Bellamy and Octavia had prepared for them.

"Good morning, sleepyheads," Octavia greeted them as she pulled to fresh mugs out of the cabinet and held them out.
"Good morning," Lexa nodded as she took the cups and walked over to the coffeemaker, chuckling as Clarke mumbled something incoherent and dropped into a chair.
"So what time are we heading out?" Raven questioned as she came up next to her.
Lexa turned and looked at her. "Sorry?"
"Shopping," Raven clarified quickly. "What time are we going?"
Lexa only stared at her.

Well, shit. She hadn't realized when they talked about going shopping that they meant to do it today. Shit.

Okay. It wasn't that she had been putting it off – it wasn't. It was just – yeah, okay, she had totally been putting it off and she couldn't even help it. It wasn't about the money, that much had been true, she had set aside plenty of money to furnish her apartment and granted, it was true - she didn't particularly like to shop, but she couldn't really blame it on that either. No. None of those reasons really worked at all. It shouldn't have been a big deal. It shouldn't have, but it was. There was just something about the idea of actually purchasing furniture for herself that somehow seemed, scary and honestly, she didn't understand why.

Feeling her chest tighten slightly, Lexa simply shrugged and turned her attention back to the coffeemaker. It was ridiculous and she knew it, but still, she couldn't help it.

Crossing the room, she set a cup of coffee in front of Clarke who quickly thanked her and took a very large sip.
"We can go after breakfast," Anya suggested as she approached with two plates, setting one on the table in front of Clarke and holding the other one out to her.
Lexa accepted the plate and dropped down into a chair. "Whatever you guys want," she answered with a small shrug, and started eating.
"Are you okay?" Clarke questioned as she leaned in closer with her brow furrowed.
Lexa simply nodded, not really wanting to get into it or admit how little it made her feel. Shit.

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