Chapter 58

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Lexa was sitting in her office with a silly little smile playing on her face, just daydreaming as she stared out the window. In the days that had passed since her lazy day with Clarke, she just felt like she was floating on cloud nine. There was no other way to describe it really – no other words seemed to fit. She felt completely weightless and her body hummed with a sensation that she had not felt in a very long time. In fact, she felt more relaxed and at ease than she had in so long that honestly, it seemed completely foreign to her and she was welcoming every single bit of it.

"Hey," Nia's voice suddenly filled the room.
Lexa spun in her chair and glanced at her. "What's up?"
"Do you want to go get lunch?" Nia asked as she leaned against the doorframe.
"I can't," Lexa shook her head. "I'm having coffee with my sister."
"Alright," Nia nodded and gave a slight shrug. "How about tomorrow then?"
"Yeah," Lexa smiled at her. "That sounds good."
"Great," Nia smirked at her and popped an eyebrow. "I'm kind of eager to hear about what it is that has had you ginning like a fool these last couple of days."
Instantly Lexa felt her face flush violently. "I have not been grinning like a fool," she denied it quickly.
"Oh, you so totally have," Nia laughed lightly and shook her head, "and I have no doubt that it has to do with a certain blonde, so I can't wait to hear about it."
Lexa eyed her and tried to conceal the smile that was threatening to break on her face. "Lunch tomorrow," she nodded at her.
"Deal," Nia smiled pleasantly, "and you're buying," she added before retreating back down the hallway to her own office.
Lexa shook her head and glanced at the clock, sighing at the realization that she was apparently already running a little late. Well, just damn it all to hell.

Shit. Maybe Nia had a point about her needing to set reminders on her phone after all.

Finally crossing the threshold into Grounders a little while later, Lexa quickly weaved her way through the lunch crowd and dropped down into a chair across from her sister. "Sorry, I'm late," she said as she readjusted, noticing that there was already a cup of coffee waiting for her.
"I was starting to lose faith in you, squirt," Anya replied, the sarcasm plain in her voice.
"Gee, thanks," Lexa rolled her eyes in jest as she picked up her coffee. "And stop calling me that already."
"Sure thing," Anya told her as she leaned back in her seat, getting more comfortable. "Well, you know that I want details," she added pointedly.
"Of course you do," Lexa sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Well," Anya urged her on impatiently with a wave of her hand. "Spill."

Lexa took a deep breath and dove right into explaining about their lazy day – the movies, the food, all of it and then on to their little nudging match that turned completely awkward which led to the conversation in the kitchen and then finally, to the kiss that had damn near killed her.

"Wow," Anya said shaking her head, with an astonished look clear in her eyes. "You actually...cried?"
"I didn't cry," Lexa shook her head. Not really. "Not like that, I mean. It wasn't like that – it was just one tear. It just...I don't know. I think that it was just the enormity of it all, you know – everything that I was feeling. I think that my body just...needed a way to express it and that just..." she tapered off.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of," Anya assured her carefully.
"I'm not," Lexa responded firmly. Totally not. "I'm not ashamed of anything that transpired in that moment."
"Good," Anya smiled at her lightly. "So, did you two..."
"No," Lexa shook her head quickly. Nope – definitely not. "No, we didn't."
"Well, I have to admit," Anya nodded with a slightly proud smile. "I'm pretty impressed by that."
"Impressed?" Lexa chuckled into her coffee. "Anya, I haven't slept with anyone in over two years – trust me, I'm more than capable of restraining myself."
"Yeah," Anya laughed quickly and shook her head. "Except that Clarke, isn't just anyone – and it's a fact that you two have been known to be kind of - voracious with each other."
Lexa felt a tiny shiver slip down her spine and she bit the inside of her lip, trying to hide her grin. Excellent point. "Okay," she allowed with a nod. "That's true too, but still, not sleeping together was a mutual decision."
"Fair enough," Anya nodded as she played with her cup. "So, are you two finally together now?"
"No," Lexa shook her head simply, pulling out her small pin and tapping it on the table. "We've decided to take it slow – just kind of feel our way through this."
"But, you spent the night there?" Anya questioned her again.
"I did," Lexa nodded. "But, all that we did was sleep."
"And kiss," Anya pointed out with a slight grin before taking a sip of her coffee.
"Yes," Lexa nodded with a smile, "and kiss – a lot, but like I said, we're just kind of feeling our way through it," she reiterated.
"Honestly, it probably is the best thing that you two didn't just jump into bed," Anya shrugged. "I mean, you've already been down that road – there's really no need to go back."
"I agree and neither of us want to go back either," Lexa shifted in her seat, feeling her phone buzz in her pocket. "We're both in this – on the same page and wanting the same things," she added as she retrieved her phone.

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