Chapter 14: Confessions

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I woke up the next morning feeling a little better, but I still had this low feeling. Chris seemed to be getting a little clingy lately, but when is he not clingy? I rolled over out of bed to see Chris snoring softly with his mouth hung open and drool on my pillow. I scrunched up my face and picked out some clothes for school. I picked out an "Ain't No Wifey" tank top, black high-waisted shorts, and some black combat boots before heading to the shower. I scrubbed my body before using some honey scented body wash and getting out. I walked out of the bathroom to see Chris sitting up watching Cartoon Network. He looked at me and mumbled "Morning" in this raspy voice that made my heart jump. I smiled at him as he got up and went into the bathroom to shower. After curling my hair, I slipped on my clothes and did my make-up. I used the smokey-eye look and some light lipstick to give me a soft look. I walked downstairs and waited for Chris to get ready and August texted me and asked what was I doing. I texted back "Waiting for Chris slow ass to get dress." He replied back, "You two seem pretty close -_-" I laughed to myself and replied back, "Always was and always will be" August took awhile to reply back and when he did it was a simple "Oh" I placed my phone down as Chris walked in with a simple white tee and some basketball shorts. I unconsciously bit my lip as he brushed past me. I walked past him to the refrigerator to get some orange juice, but to my surprise it was gone. "Chris you are so freaking greedy, I swear!", I mumbled frustrated. "Always demolishing my shit", I rambled on. "Fuck you mumbling about?", Chris asked as he sat on the counter eating a sausage biscuit. "Your fat ass", I answered back smartly. He smirked and said, "Ya mama." I looked at him in a "please don't get it started" way, but it was too late. "Ya mama so fat, she sat on the couch and the whole world tilted", Chris said standing up. "Ya mama so fat, she got arrested for carrying ten pounds of crack", I said cockily. Chris glared at me and I stared back angrily and within seconds we both busted out laughing. "You good?", he asked me. "Neva better", I said hugging him. We finished fooling around and grabbed our backpacks before heading off to school. •••• The rest of the week Chris has been extra clingy. I feel like he's hiding something, but I don't wanna jump down his back about it. If he wants to tell me something, then he should tell me when he is comfortable, not be forced to by me. It was now Friday and Chris was still staying at my house for the 5th time this this week. We were now just lounging around on my bed on our phones, chilling. Chris seemed a little fidgety and I really wanted to know what was up, but I kept my mouth closed. I looked over at Chris and he kept opening and closing his mouth as if he had something to say. I sat patiently waiting as he repeated this notion. Finally, he sat up and looked directly at me and sighed. "Shonda I have to tell you something", Chris said solemnly. I nodded and waited for him to speak. He took a deep breath and he seemed to debate, but continued anyway. "I got a record deal", he said sadly. I looked at him and my face lit up. "Oh my gosh!! My best fucking friend got a record deal!! Usher watch out! Omg! Chris I'm so happy for you! Congrats nigga!", I screamed excitedly. I knew that Chris had wanted this since day one and that he really had the potential. He used to write me songs when we were 15 and hide them under my pillow for me to read when I woke up in the morning or to just let me know that he cared. Chris smiled faintly and blurted out, "I have to leave for L.A. in two days and that's where I will be permanently staying." My whole face dropped and tears started to form in my eyes. "You're leaving me?", I asked selfishly. "I'm sorry Shonda", he said as he pulled me into a hug. "I love you so much Chris", I sobbed into his shirt. "I love you too", he whispered while rubbing my back. "I mean, what am I possibly gonna do without you? You're my best friend, my ride or die, my other half! What am I gonna do without you?", I sobbed loudly. "We can make our last time together count", Chris said pulling me back and wiping tears. I nodded and pulled him back in for a short hug. I wiped tears and grabbed my keys, catching an idea. "Let's go", I said, grabbing Chris hand. He followed me downstairs and out to his car. I threw Chris his car keys and he threw them back and said, "You drive." My jaw dropped. "Me drive ya precious little Lamborghini?", I said sarcastically. Chris laughed and I proceeded into the driver's seat. Chris hopped in as I started the car. "Now you have to take your time. This is my baby right here", he said patting his seat. I nodded and pulled off full speed as Chris likely peed on himself. "I'm gonna kill you!", he yelled. I just laughed and pulled into his driveway. We hopped out and I pulled him into the backyard. I looked up and saw the old treehouse where we use to play in and talk when we needed a quiet place to think. "Memba this?", I asked climbing up into the treehouse. "How could I ever forget", he said climbing up after me. Once we got up there, we sat down and swung our feet over the edge. "Coming here as kids has helped me a lot", he said looking out at the sky. "Yep! Remember when we used to get mad and hide up here to trick our parents into thinking we ran away together", I said laughing extremely hard. "Yep, but now that I'm thinking about it, they probably knew we were up here all along", Chris said laughing along. "These are the times that I will miss", I said sadly. Chris embraced me and whispered, "Memories will last forever." A tear strolled down my face as we looked out into the pinkish sky. It started to get dark so we went inside his house to watch a few movies and chill. We decided to watch "Kevin Hart- Laugh at My Pain" for entertainment. Chris brought in the munchies and I changed into pajama clothes before texting my ma that I was staying with Chris. Just as I was about to put my phone down, it lit up. It was a text from August. "I think we are better off as friends. Someone else seems to have ya heart and I don't wanna stand in your way. You still my classy thug tho", he said. "Thanks for letting me know wassup. Appreciate the honesty and you still that real nigga lol", I replied back. "That nigga lame anyway", Chris said into my ear. I turned around and saw him leaning over, reading my messages. I giggled and continued watching the movie. Chris kept staring at me through the movie, so I turned to him and he didn't even try to turn away. "Uhmmm", I said confused. "Can I be honest?", Chris said looking me up and down. "Yea,what?", I asked. "You know that girl that I like so bad?", he asked. "Yea. Why?", I said curiously. "Well its you", he said staring into my eyes nervously. My jaw just dropped. "I love you Shonda. Not like a friend, but as a fucking lover, girlfriend, and soulmate. You are on my mind twenty -four seven and I can't keep away from you. I'm in love with you! You are like no other girl I've met. You have been down since day one and you are the truth. You never lie to me and you never sugar coat anything. I have feelings for you Shonda and you can't tell me you don't feel the same way", he said before gasping for breath. My heart was filled with so much joy. I couldn't be more happier. "Does this prove it?", I asked before pulling him in and kissing him passionately. Our tongues wrestled as we roamed each others mouth. We pulled back exhausted as we looked into each other's eyes. "You have no idea how long I have waited for you to say this. I love you so much Christopher", I said before giving him a peck on the lips. He smiled and said, "Are you hungry?" I nodded and he got up to go to the kitchen and I followed. He got out a frozen pizza and put it in the oven then made his way over to me. "So now that we know about our feelings for each other, what now?" , he said leaning his elbow on the counter. "Well you have to leave on Sunday sooo....", I said putting my head down. He tilted my head up with his index finger and looked me into the eyes. "You could come live with me in L.A.", he said seriously. "My parents are not that nice. They would definitely not approve, best friend or not", I said with a sigh. "Look at it like this. You're graduating in three weeks and your birthday is a week after that. You'll be 18 and you could come live with me. Parental consent or not", Chris said reassuringly. I gave him a smile and laid my head on his shoulder. "This could actually work tho. Of course my parents would be disappointed, but they'll get over it", I said in satisfactory. "We'll FaceTime every night until then", Chris said before giving me a kiss. I smiled brightly as I thought about being with Chris again. He hasn't even left yet and I'm missing him. It feels good to finally call him mine. Chris took the pizza out of the oven and I washed my hands before we sat down and ate. The main topic of discussion was what California would be like and how his dream was finally coming true. I was so proud of him. I could cry (again). When we finished, we cleaned the dishes and cuddled in the living room while watching a movie on BET. I started to get really sleepy, so I went upstairs and showered before getting into Chris's bed. A few minutes later, Chris came upstairs and climbed into bed with me before wrapping his arms around me and falling into a deep sleep. ••••

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