Killing Tonight (JamSandwiches Short Story Battle)

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This is based off of the song "Let's Kill Tonight" by Panic! At the Disco. Believe it or not, it was kind of hard to come up with a plotline necessary to write this, but somehow I managed. This isn't the music I'm used to listening to. And besides, I'm still not entriely sure what the song's even about :P

Anyway, we'll see how this goes! Wish me luck:

     "Come on, Lauren! Just go over there and ask them!"

     Christy's words would have been lost to anyone else in the room, but Lauren heard them loud and clear. She looked across the teenager-filled space, her eyes finally resting on the two boys Christy had been talking about. From the way they stood huddled up against the wall, Lauren could tell that they were shy and uncomfortable. Practically everyone else at the party except them had loosened up and was busy dancing - whether by choice or some illegal alcoholic beverage.

     "Why?" Lauren asked, shouting over the blaring music. "There are plenty of other guys here we can ask." She gestured around her to prove her point.

     Christy rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Lauren, are you even paying attention? Look at them compared to everyone else. They're completely vulnerable! The perfect people to ask." She smiled mischeviously.

     Lauren wrung her hands together. For the last several hours Christy had kept mentioning how she wanted to find a couple of guys to play a game of "truth or dare" with. Although Lauren didn't excatly know what tricks her friend had in mind, she was certain the game would get out of control fast. Regardless, she had agreed to help Christy find her "boys," but even doing that proved harder than she thought it would. She was definitely not enjoying the party anymore.

     "Why don't you go ask them?" Lauren insisted, trying hard not to stare at the boys. "It seems like you're pretty intent on doing it."

     Christy was about to respond, but she stopped as a new song began. "Let's Kill Tonight" by Panic! At the Disco. For some reason, that made Christy smile even wider, as if the song was motivating her.

     "Okay, I'll do it, but you're coming with me," she said, taking hold of Lauren's arm. "Come on, let's go kill tonight!"

     Ignoring the horrible pun, Lauren let Christy pull her through the throng of people. They had to dodge multiple couples that were too busy grinding to notice them, but somehow the girls managed to reach the opposite side of the room. Tumbling between an awkwardly dancing group, they stopped in their tracks once they came to stand directly in front of the boys. Lauren watched as Christy settled into her all-too-natural "flirting mode."

     "Hey," she purred seductively, twirling a strand of her auburn hair around her finger. "You guys enjoying the party?"

     The boys looked anxiously at each other, almost as if they were trying to figure out how to respond. One of them, who had curly blond hair and brown eyes, raised an eyebrow like he thought Christy was simply joking around.

     "Are you guys gonna answer me or what?" she persisted while moving her hands to her hips. The second boy with cropped brown hair and blue eyes took a step back.

     "We might answer you," the blond one began, obviously more courageous than the brunette. "It depends on if you tell us who you are."

     "Christy," she responded immediately, her eyes darting between the two boys.

     The whole thing was making Lauren feel completely awkward. She wasn't really one for flirting, and even being around Christy all the time couldn't help with that. How could she talk to boys she'd never met before? That was just weird! But then again, how could she just stand there, saying nothing, while Christy did all the work? That would make her look weak and childish.

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