8||Chapter Eight| Falling for Mr. Bad Guy

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Thank you sooo much for the 160 plus!. I'm soo much grateful for that, I'm also grateful for the comments and vote, I love you guys soo much. I jsut hope you guys would stay with this story to the very end even if it is funny, fustrating and you really feel like slaping me and my characters.

I would like to reward you guys so, for that reason, I would give three interesting, funny and emotional chapter.

Hope you love it!

I woke up the second day having hangover for the first time in many years

"Have this" my step-mom said giving me a green tea and a medicine, I thought she would be super angry but she wasn't

"Agnes, who brought me home yesterday" I asked her, you might wonder why I don't use Mom and so on, that's because she doesn't want me to

"Tyler and Sam" she said not facing me

"Tyler" I said

"Yeah and he said he would check up on you" she said

"Stay home today and have your rest, after that finish up your chores" she said and I nod my head, I can see she's dressed up for work

"Peter said to give you this" she said handling me a chocolate bar "Bye" she said as she walk out of the house

Only God knows the kind of drink I had yesterday and what happened because I don't seem to remember anything

"Wait, Claire was at the party yesterday, why" I said to myself

I have to go to school after cleaning up so I checked the time.

One hour later, I got ready for school, I dressed usual just that my fake glasses wasn't on me, as I arrived in school I went straight to the cafeteria since I know its break time already

"Hey Sam" I said while he looked up shocked

"Amy, why are you in school" he said standing up

"Nothing, I can't stay home alone, it's boring"

"Are you okay"


"Do you remember anything" he asked

"Yeah, but just bits"

"Are you sure you are not having headache"

"No" I said assuring him while we sat down

"Agnes said you and Tyler brought me home yesterday" I said and he nods his head in approval "wasn't I too heavy for you" I asked smiling

"Actually, it was Tyler who carried you home" he said and my eyes widens

"TYLER" I screamed while many people faced me including Tyler "What do you mean?" I whispered

"He was already carrying you before he came to call me"

"REALLY" I said not believing my ears

"Amy! Are you feeling okay" Tyler asked as he sat down beside Sam opposite me

"Yeah" I said

"I thought Sam told your mom you shouldn't come to school today" he said

"Yeah, I just came to visit, I'm going already" I said standing up

"Have your rest, I will bring your homework to you okay" he said

"Okay thanks"

"Bye" the two said as I moved away from thetable

This is the first chapter of the three, hope you love it, it has nothing soo special though!


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