20||Chapter Twenty| Falling for Mr. Bad Guy

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At last I told her how I really felt but... she didn't reply, I swear I should have done it by texting her but I felt that it would just make her think I'm a coward

As the door opened, my heart leapt up a bit, wait I just left the house like one hour ago so let's stay cool, but that only my thought because as I turned around and faced her as my plans just went out of my heart, like I forgot every step of how to say it and how to behave.

"Looks like you want to say something" she said and that brought back my sense

"Uhm... yeah" I said a little bit unsure

"Okay, go ahead" she said smiling and that eased my heart

"Honestly, I don't know how you are going to feel about this, but I think the best thing to do is just to tell you" I said honestly and she looked at me like she was really scared and that is making scared to, did she know what I'm planning to tell her, yeah it should be normal, but...

"You are starting to scare me" she said and made her eyes wide

"Amy" I said and went ahead to kiss her, honestly, I'm not really sure of what to do but I knew why I did that

"Why did you do that" she asked whispering

"I love you" I whispered back and I felt like a burden was removed from my heart but though she was smiling, I wasn't satisfied with it, maybe I wanted a reply or sort, I just felt like she just like me, she doesn't love me, I'm starting to feel bad about confessing how I really felt but then she kissed me back, and she was passionate about it.

Yes, even though she didn't say anything I knew she felt it too, but the thing is why didn't she say it?


He said he loved and even though I felt complete I was dumb, I didn't know if I should say I love him too or not, no lies I love him, more than anyone can ever imagine but, I'm scared, scared of him and his heart, scared of hurting the two of us, especially since I'm not his first love, what if she comes back and he still loves her, I hate to think of it.

It's Saturday and I felt like being alone, I wanted to sleep till I'm tired of it, at least, my step mom has been out with Peter since 7:00am and I guess the two are not coming home tonight since she packed a suite case.

I jumped backed on the bed and "I love you", this would be the hundredth time in the last minute I've been thinking of this.

I dragged myself up from bed and went to pick my phone, I charged it yesterday so I switched it on, hoping to get at least a text message from him but to my disappointment, I got none, maybe he is angry, or maybe he is not sure about me, Oh my, what should I do, or wait... maybe he is shy, am I dreaming, why would he be shy, he is the schools bad boy so saying your feelings shouldn't be a problem, or can it be.


I felt like texting her but I just can't bring my hand to do it, I kept on reminiscing about my confession and her kiss, why did she not reply, okay, maybe she liked the fact that I told her I loved her but she doesn't, that doesn't make sense.

After minutes of thinking I decided to text her but as I was about to type, I received a call,

"Kate, how are you doing" I said as I picked the call

"Biology finals is on Monday"


"Yeah, and also we would explain in details how we got the final point"

Falling for Mr. Bad GuyWhere stories live. Discover now