10||Chapter Ten| Falling for Mr. Bad Guy

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This is the last of my gift. After this, it may take two week for me to update so, I'm sorry in advance.

I would like it if you can brace yourself for some action point from Amity Rhodes and some stupid and funny moments from Brian.

And guys, I've been making some mistakes on Brain and Brian so please if you see any Brain instead of Brian, please shun it off

I was at my locker the second day when someone tapped my back

"Hey" Claire said and I rolled my eyes facing her

"What do you want" I said

"Just want to tell you something"

"Not interested" I said facing my locker back

"It's about Tyler" she said and my ear tilted, I don't want to say "what is it" because she might feel stupidly suspicious

"So" I said

"I just want you to know this: you don't stand a chance and you will never" she said and I wrinkle my face then I smirked

"I don't get you, wait do you mean I don't have a chance to date him or what, if it's that, sorry if I don't then you don't"

"Amity Rhodes, if you should try and do anything funny, I will hurt you" she said in the scariest voice she has ever given me

"Are you silly" I asked and she was shocked "hurt me you say, though what you said is absolutely nothing since I count it a bit childish but..." I said "You know what, if you should provoke me more than this, I may do what will hurt you forever, I will make you suffer more than you can imagine"

"Really, woww, look at this dork threatening me" she said

"A situation where by the breadwinner of the family is sacked from his only source of bread, how sad" I said with my hand crossed and she frowns

"What do you mean" she said with a very long look

"You know your dad works in one of my dad's companies right, now you are just too much with your behavior towards me then I told Agnes that I have something to do at the company, do you think she would stop me" I said with a wicked grin and a crossed arm

"Then I got to the company and requested for a board meeting telling your dad to be included then tell the board this "You see this man here, he's a very close friend of my dad before he died, they were so close that he gave him an opportunity to head one of his companies without the proper process" then the board members would open their mouths in awe, then I will say "Since the rule is anybody who wants to be a staff in this company must undergo the proper process which is have an interview and let the board members decide, don't you think such a person deserve a direct resignation" you yourself know they will agree to that, after that happens what do you think will happen to your family, your career and even your education" I said still maintaining my position then I flipped my hair, "Claire Manchester, your life and your family's future is on my palm, and you know what I can do" I said "I don't want to be a real bad girl okay so bye" I said then moved forward to go after closing my locker

I really like my acting, I was so happy inside, after walking for a while Sam came to me


"Oh Sam, how was your night"

"Good, do you have a fight with Claire" he asked

"Why did you say that" I said as I turned towards my class room hallway

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