18||Chapter Eighteen| Falling for Mr. Bad Guy

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We sat down opposite each other but the only thing that was hard for me is that she is seating next to Tyler, no lies I was uneasy, like seriously uneasy, why should I be, he's not even my boyfriend yet, but it's still hard considering what she did to me the first time.

"Well I guess the brand is Gucci" Kate said

"Yeah, well you guess right" she said and they started this stupid talk about cloth, well yes I have many cloth that are more flashy than that but no lies, I don't know their brand, all I do is to tell the general secretary I need a type of cloth and she brings it, that's all, this table is totally cool for everyone except from one which is me. I can't believe this is going on, Tyler is smiling at her! I swear I'm not jealous, or I'm I, I don't I just don't want her here

"Amy, you are not talking" Brian said and at last someone noticed that

"Well, I was just too busy pushing food down my throat to talk" I said glaring at Claire

"And that reminds me" Tyler said and I faced him "this" he said and slide a bar of chocolate to me while I smiled

"It's good you remembered" I said smiling and I brought out my phone while they continued their talk, I had to force myself to send him a message

ME: Looks like text messages goes rampant between us now

I clicked the send and he checked his phone and looked at me while I faced the other side

T: Really or you just feel like talking to me privately

ME: Maybe

T: Say it

ME: It's hard to say but no lies; I hate the way you are smiling at her

T: Who

"Argh" I said and got stares from everyone on the table, "It's nothing, continue talking" I said

ME: The idiot beside you

T: Claire, woww, idiot, we are friends

ME: Really

I texted and also said out loud

"Looks like the person you are texting is frustrating you" Sam said

"Yes" I said

"What?" Tyler said

"Wait, are you guys texting each other" Kate said

"Maybe, I have to go" I said and rushed out of the cafeteria, I'm sure Sam would help me with the packing

I can't believe he said they are friends, like he is friend with my number one enemy, the one who made me turn into a nerd and still bullying me, the one who crushed my everything all because of the status she want, all because of my money and wealth, can someone tell me I saw it wrong

Still frustrated a hand pulled me back and hugged me

"Tyler, let go" I said trying hard not to let my anger show

"Did I hurt you by laughing with her" he said still hugging me

"Just let go of me first" I said and I think it took about five seconds before he let go of me

"Doing this just make me feel stupid so don't worry" I said

"Just tell me"

"Why should I, you're not of any responsibility on me so stop it" I said and he looked really hurt, "okay, I'm sorry if that hurts but I'm serious, well I think it's good this happened after test if not, I would have skinned you alive"

"What are you trying to say, is it because I was laughing with the person who bullies you before that's making you angry or what"

"Tyler, you know what, you can't understand and even if you can understand, I'm not saying it, I don't want to remember it"

"Amy, what if I come clean and tell you I'm sick of this"

"Then I would just tell you, I'm sorry"

"Just stop this already, you know what, I feel stupid, like really stupid, there are so many things that come up around us and you just continue telling me, you don't want to remember it so you can't tell me, I feel like I don't even know you at all, like I'm no part of you, like I'm just a figure, just standing and I'm of no effect on you"

"Tyler, what if I tell you, you bring everything dead in me back alive" I said and he looked away "okay, I get it, I have a dark past..." I said and he stared at me with concern "maybe not so dark but it's hard to remember considering the people who caused it to me and the effect it had on me, the stupidity I brought out of me and..."

"Okay, got it, it's too hard you don't want to talk about it" he said and I smiled while he smiled back "okay, you don't like Claire so I partially hate her since you don't like her" he said and I laughed

"Woww, so because of me you hate her" I said and he nods and I pinched his nose

"Ouch, so... before they ring the bell and the hallway is full of kids, can I get a kiss" he said and immediately the bell rang and he groan while I smiled

"Maybe not a kiss" I said then I pecked him "enough" I said

"Well, since the hall is gradually getting crowded, I think it is"

"Good boy" I said "I have to go" I said but surprisingly he dragged me into an empty room and gave me a very long hug which I gladly returned

"I would be late to class if you are like this" I said still in his embrace

"I won't be able to go home early today, I have to make up with class but I will come to your house today okay"

"Okay" I said and forcefully dragged myself away from his chest but he held me back and kissed me

"You finally got that right" I said and smiled at him, "got to go" I said and he nods his head and he slowly let go of my hand

I left school early since its Friday, as I got home Peter told me he would be going to Sam and I let him, sometimes it's good to be alone you know. I got to my room and received a text

T: the chocolate, it's in your bag

Yeah and that seriously reminds me, when he gave the chocolate, I didn't touch it, woww, so he left it in my bag

ME: You could have called me, I don't really like texting

T: Well I love texting

ME: I hate it

And that was the last message that was replied

I emptied my bag and dropped it on the floor, I arranged my assignment and finished it together with my chocolate bar

I reminisced on what happened at school and remembered what Tyler said, honestly, it's not like I don't want to tell him he might just hate me for it, like hate the decision I took and how stupid I went in all ways, he might even feel insecure of me and my feelings for him.

I rarely get to see my step-mom so I havenothing to worry about, after playing a little game on my phone, I decided totake a rest and I fell asleep.

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