12||Chapter Twelve| Falling for Mr. Bad Guy

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"Kate" I asked and she faced me

"Do you think anyone is staring at me?"

"Well if there would be one, I bet its Tyler" she said not looking up

"You think so" I asked

"No, I know so" she said still not looking up

"At last I found one" she said as I was about to verify if it really is Tyler, well I also think its him but who knows I may be imagining things right "It makes what" she said as she dropped it in the bowl beside us

"7" I said

"Woww, I can't believe Brian back yard is this dry" she said

"You know whenever I think of this, I can't just think it straight" I said as we both continued our work

"Is it about Tyler" she asked

"No, it's about you and Brian"

"What's about us?"

"Wait how did you guys even like each other like how you fell for him" I know the question is too personal but for someone like her, I think she would take it as normal

"I didn't fall for him" she said and I was surprised

"Woww, you should have should seen your face" she said smiling "well maybe I fell for his charms"

"Seriously" I said

"Yeah, you know, Tyler couldn't believe it when I told him I'm dating his friend, do you know how his face use to look like when he is surprised"

"No" I said

"Well, you should see it" she said

"Another one" I said "woww, looks like this one has been living for a long time, has it"

"Ask it" she said smiling

"Okay" I said as I faced the worm "Have you been living for long" I said and I faced Kate who looked like she is ready to bust any minute from now "well I would have to use you for our experiment, so sorry" I said as I dropped it in the bowl

"Get ten okay"

"Tired of the dirt?" I asked teasingly

"Well maybe"

"Okay, two shouldn't be a problem" but that was a slip of tongue so to say since two was a real problem

After a very long search for just two little worms we decided to give up but to our disappointment, the boys were nowhere to be found, well mine was because I thought Tyler would be there smiling at me as I stand up and Kate... maybe it is just to my disappointment since I can't tell if she is disappointed with her long face

"Seriously, where are the boys" I asked after dusting my hand which I can say dirt is far beautiful compared to it, well maybe she is disappointed

"OMG" she said as she barged into the main house

"Do they really have brains, girls are working outside and they are inside, are they really men" I said trying to cool her temper, but maybe I'm saying it out of sincerity to myself

"Only a fool would call them men, they are kids" she said just as we got to where they are, can I really believe my eyes, they are at the couch with popcorn and God did I just see them laughing

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Kate screamed and that has been the loudest scream I've ever had but do you know what's funny, it sent both Brian and Tyler falling with popcorn all over them, that's really a good sight, I said to myself

"Is that the surprised look you were talking about" I asked Kate

"No don't worry, you would see it sooner or later" she said before facing the boys who are trying their best to gather themselves "do you know what I feel like doing now" she said

"Squeeze us" Brian said

"And also feeding your heads to your neighbor's dog"

"What!" they both screamed

"Not to that dog" Tyler said

"That silly thing" Brian said

"You know I'm starting to wonder who has the best brain between the two of you and the dog"

"Okay what's our crime?" Tyler asked

"You seriously don't know" she shouted

"Can you please show me the way to the rest room" I said before the argument gets any hot

"I will take you there" the two said while Kate just rolled her eyes

"Tyler please follow her, Brian can you please get me water" Kate said as she found herself a seat

"Woww, there is a please" Brian said smiling

"Do you want me to remove it" she said while he just scrambled away

"Let's go" Tyler said as he motioned to me to move and I followed him

"You would have to cut your nails" he said as he looked at my hand

"Really, it's not like my nail is long"

"Seriously" he said as he opened the door to the rest room "here is it" then he left me alone

"Tyler" I called and he looked at me "can you wait for me" I asked

"Okay" he said and he closed the door behind him

"Thanks" I said then started washing my hand with water before applying soap

"You know, you should cut your nails" he said

"I don't want to" I said pouting then Icontinued washing my hand and picking my nails but suddenly he burst out of therest room and it left me scared and wondering so I immediately cleaned my handsand went out.

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