11||Chapter Eleven| Falling for Mr. Bad Guy

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Agnes was doing a thorough cleaning of the house when I came out with my bag

"Where are you off to" she asked still cleaning the table

"Actually we have a group project so I have to go" I said

"So who will take care of Peter when you're gone?"

"Sam said he would come"

"Okay and do not come back until 10" she said like she has been finding a way to send me out of the house, only God knows what she's been doing in the company, I can't wait to finish high school

I stood outside Tyler's house not wanting to knock the door, and then I checked the time and saw it was just 10:15, in ten minutes time my house would be filled with unknown people, honestly...

"Amy" Tyler called as he came out of the house

"Oh T, are you done" I asked

"Yeah, since when have you been here?" he asked and his face shows that he is worried, at least someone is worried about me, wait Sam do worry about me

"Like 5 minutes ago" I said

"Really, why didn't you knocked and enter the house" he asked me curiously, "you really feel like dying in the cold right" well maybe that hurts a bit

"Says a guy whose friend claims he is not bad, can we go now"

"Girls would always be themselves no matter what their category is" he said "you know with this behavior of yours, I may start to think you are not a nerd"

"I was never one"

"What, are you kidding?"

"No, and who said I'm a nerd"

"Oh seriously, like you don't know, ever since I've been in that school, you've always been classified a nerd so please"

"Whatever, I'm just a girl who is a bit silent and loves book"

"Good you put a bit"

"Okay, can we please leave now?"

"If you wish" he said and I entered the car

"Please just drive" I said out loud

Throughout the drive to Brian's house, all he did was pester me and no lies, though it was a bit frustrating, I still liked it, he told me about his night and his dream which was a bit childish for someone like him, his smile is... wait, what am I thinking, well no lies his smile was killing, and when he held my hand... I felt a shock passing through my spine and then goose bumps, well apart from the fact that he cut though my skin anything we make a contact the ride was good

"And here we are" he said as he parked his car in the park

"Woww, his house is just like the size of ours" I said as we were about to get to the front

"Yes, it is you idiot" he said

"Wait, why did you call me an idiot?"

"Like you don't know his father is a partner to your father before he died"

"I'm not really into my dad's business but what is his last name" I asked and he rolled his eyes

"Amity, you can ask him that once we get inside" he said as he pressed the bell then a little girl I can recognize has Brian's sister with her straight long and bark brown hair and a round face with a glass emerald eyes came out of the house

"Emily" Tyler said smiling at her

"Oh Tyler, here for the project" she said and her voice is the thin one, I think she almost same age with Sam or maybe she is the same age with him

"Yeah, how did you know?" he dragged

"I found out today, you know you guys are lucky I'm going out with my friends if not so, I would have pushed you out of the house by now" he said as she opened the door wide, she is totally different from Brian

"Hello" she said facing me with a smile I can recognize as fake

"Hi, Amity" I said as we shake hands

"Emily, nice meeting you but I would make just one request on our first meeting"

"And what is it" I asked nervously

"After your experiment, make sure you clean the area well, I hate dirt" she said smiling well I know that

"Emily!" Brian said as he came out of somewhere I don't know together with Kate

"Don't worry I will" I said smiling at her

"That's nice of you" Emily said in a very sweet tone while I smiled at her

"Tyler tell your friend I'm out and I won't be back till God knows" she said facing him

"Seriously, just make sure you come late so you would be grounded" Brian said

"Sorry, I would have my excuse" she said and banged the door on me, God, she is so rude

"I'm sorry" Brian said but wait I thought he came out with Kate

"It's okay" I said as I looked around for Kate but goodness I can't believe she was watching the TV the whole time, these people are seriously worth something

"Hey Kate" I said as we sat in different places but I sat beside her

"Hi" she said facing me "did you have a good sleep" she asked, what does she mean

"What do you mean?"

"I mean a girl would at least put on some makeup on a good Saturday but... you look good still, I think that's why Tyler..." she said before looking at Tyler's face and smiled

"We should start working already" Tyler said as he got up

"Amy, I'm so sorry for what my sister did earlier" Brian said with an apologetic face

"It's nothing, I like her though" I said

"Don't you think she's too sarcastic for her age?"

"How old is she"

"She would be sixteen in three week" he said, wow, same age with Sam I knew it, just that Sam already clocked sixteen

"Let's pair up, two per group" Kate said cutting the conversation

"Since I and Amy can handle the dirt work, we would do the observation which literarily mean, we are in the same group, sorry Tyler" she said and while I looked at him he was smiling

"Or you did that so Brian won't be able to talk to Amy" Tyler said teasing her

"Seriously, you think I'm that stupid" she said with a smirk

"Sorry but you know I know what you are" Tyler said in a teasing way which made me laugh and I got a glare for that

"Brian, do you agree to what your friend said" she asked Brian who was busy laughing

"Do I" he said with an innocent face

"Whatever" she said and rolled her eyes

"Why don't we start by looking for worms in the garden?" I said breaking the little drama

"Yeah, let's do that" she said

"And what should we do" Brain asked

"Let's just sit and watch them do the dirty work" Tyler said smiling

"And enjoy the view" Kate said as she took me to the garden which I can describe as God-knows-the-name

"You can dig, everywhere but please don't move towards the roses" Brian said

"I know" Kate after rolling her eyes

"Just a reminder" he said as he and Tyler sat on the bench

As we started the work I will call tedious Icould feel eyes on me, they were sharp and piercing that it gave me goose bumpslets count it normal but with those eyes, I felt nervous and a bit

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