Chapter 15

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Hunter was shaking me continuously, but I couldn't think of anything other than the cold, harsh face of Zachary.

The man who haunts me in my dreams. The man who has caused me damage, and my personal Sun, Trevor is the one helping me heal.

"Leah! Shoot! It's fine, everything's alright!" he yelled, trying to calm me down.

I didn't know why I was screaming. Had I officially gone insane? Was I finally going to lose my mind? Zach—Zachary was nowhere to be seen, yet I could still feel the coldness he carried.

Someone was pulling me up into their arms, someone who wasn't Hunter. I automatically soaked the warmth it provided me, the sweet scent that calmed me down, the velvet voice that promised me good times. It was my Mom.

My hysterics dissolved almost instantly when she stroked my hair with gentleness. I clutched the hem of my shirt tightly, afraid someone might hurt me again. All my positiveness of parties and all the teenage stuff evaporated into the air, I would never ever step in this house ever again.

The velvety voice spoke again. "Sshh, Lee. Everything's alright. You're fine. I'm here, right here," he whispered softly.

I realised, that Mom wasn't here. She was in my head. I was hallucinating.

There was no denying in a fact—yes a fact—that he meant a lot to me. I loved him. I had loved him for probably months, but never really realised. When he was with me in situations like—these—the fear, the sadness just. . . vanished away. The emptiness in my chest would lose the battle with happiness that always fought and claimed it's rule on my heart. I felt whole again, like a part of me was missing and being with him pulled it back together.

Was I messed up? Probably. Was it mean to just use the comfort he gave me? The warmth? The feeling of being whole? I didn't know. Or maybe I did, but I was cruel enough to glue my sun with me. Even if it burned me.

He pulled back once I had control of my stupid emotions, his eyes washed with lots of worries about me. I hated seeing him like that, like he wasn't sure how to deal with me.

"Why in the world are you in this state?" he exclaims, scanning my face with frantic eyes.

I scanned the kitchen, but there was no soul. The music, which was blasting before, now just was a melody to my ears. It was Ed Sheeran's voice.

"He's here, isn't he?" My voice was cracky and hoarse from all the crying and screaming. From the twisted expression of Trevor, I knew he understood who I was talking about.

"We don't know," he sighed. "Yet."

Yet. That means he could be here. I shuddered.

"But you need to not worry, love. I'm here, aren't I? Do you think I'll let that filthy man anywhere near you?" He didn't really need to say that out loud. I could see it in his eyes.

I shook my head and he smiled at my response. Two thumbs rubbed away the wetness on my cheeks, and I was fine, again.

"But you scared me earlier. Don't ever leave me like that, again. I thought he was back." Anger flashed through his eyes but he kept it calm, surprisingly.

He sat me on a chair, grabbed a glass and filled it from the tap before handing it to me. I gulped the water down, suddenly thirsty. I thanked him after drowning it down.

"I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, you know."

I tried to smile. And succeeded. "I know," I confirmed.

I wanted to ask him if he loved me the way I did. Or, did he even love me? Did he think of me as a sister, and nothing else? I flinched at the thought. But these matters weren't in my hands. And Cupid wasn't my best friend who'd make him my match, who'd give me what I wanted.

I felt like I was in Twilight. Trevor was my Edward, and Hunter my Jacob, but where Bella loved Jacob 'friendly', I only liked Hunter. But the plot was same, two guys protecting me from Zachary, me being the main reason for their fighting. What scared me were two things,

1) The thought of Trevor leaving me just like Edward did.
2)The two best friends (Trevor and Hunter) turning into the biggest enemies of each other.

Trevor's phone vibrated in his pocket and he immediately fished it out. As he scanned the screen, his eyes turned dark, his expression scared.

I tried to calm myself, but couldn't find any peace.

"What?" I asked, panicked.

He didn't say anything, as he pushed the phone back in his pocket and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the kitchen and upstairs.

"Trevor! What is wrong? You're doing it again," I choked, trying to keep up with his long strides. Did he take an oath to freak me out every time?

We entered a room-simple with a bed and a dressing unit, and he shut the door behind him.

My heart was thumping so hard against my chest that I thought it might break free and run away.

"Lee, stay here till I don't come back, okay?" he hurriedly spoke, as fear traveled through his eyes.

"You aren't leaving me again! No!" I yelled, wrapping my arms protectively around myself.

Something wasn't right about this room. I felt. .. creeped out and cold. Scared, I looked around as if he'd appear from any corner.

"I have to—shoot!" he muttered. "Look, it's very important. Please, understand, alright?"

I opened my mouth—but he was gone.

I stood frozen, shocked, freaked out like a statue. My body was trembling, and I was sure I'd get hypothermia soon. I rushed towards the door and the lock clicked, but it did not settle my nerves.

I thought I was the teeniest bit of safe—but little did I know I didn't just lock myself in the room. Instead, the door to the adjacent door creaked open, revealing a man who stood with a smirk on his cold face, like the devil was thrilled to see me.

"Hello, there," he said.

My heart dropped dead.
The fun starts now. ;)

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