Chapter 17

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I wait. For some reason, I don't feel good about whatever Trevor has to tell me.

He looks troubled, his eyes so tired I almost forgot he left me alone even after I begged him not to. I can never bare—even the thought of Trevor getting hurt. Never.

"Go on," I insist, because his eyes tell me he's really not ready yet.

He blows out a frustrated breath, and then sighs heavily. Looking into my eyes, he begins, "lee, I don't want you to hate me, but—"

He's cut off when the door flies open and a lady—who's probably a nurse—comes rushing in with Bilkees behind her. I open my mouth to tell them to wait outside for some time, but Trevor shakes his head with a smile, and says, "We'll talk later." He nods at Bilkees who looks. . . strange with a glow to on her face. "There's tea to spill." And then he walks out with a little bow.

"Hey," I smile at Bilkees who takes a seat on the nearby sofa.

"Selam," she greets in her religious way, and grins back. I raise an eyebrow at her, and she winks.

"Leah, how do you feel, honey?" the nurse asks in a honey tone while she plays with the wires—I just felt—attached to my hand and arms. Did I die or something?

"Er, I feel pretty good. And definitely think there's no need for this."

She smiles wholeheartedly. "These are to monitor your heartbeat and basically your bodily functions. We had to make sure you weren't. . . hurt." Her smile faded away.

I felt it again. The pain, that was mental and not physical. I felt it swimming through my blood, taking its time to torture me. I snapped my eyes shut and drew in a deep, cool breath.

I had to fight it. I will fight it. There were so many girls going through far worse than what I faced, how they had to plaster a fake smile on their lips and go on with their day with the blackness in their soul.

I had to thankful that I was saved from the worse.

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." I waved a shaky arm in the air, trying to act cool.

The nurse raised an eyebrow, and I could tell she was fighting a smile. About what, I had no idea.

"That man out there," she pointed at the door where my eyes traveled, "had really gone crazy. I am surprised how he didn't bust a vein or something, because the level his anger had reached, I was scared he might swallow us whole."

I laughed.

"Yeah, umm, he can be a bit of a freak sometimes," I informed her. "He has temper issues."

"Not with you. I see so much more in his eyes when he's around you, sweety. It's very rare." My brows joined in the middle, so she added with a smile, "for a boy so young to understand a whole lot than he can manage."

And with that she walked out.

"My turn!" Bilkees chirped, skipping towards me with an aura of warmth. She took a seat on the bed beside me and held my icy cold hands tightly in her hers.

She knew what had happened, but she was never the one to repeat the past. And she was right, though. What's the point of holding on to something that's done?

"You know I won't recall anything from last night. Trevor didn't tell me much as he was busy shouting at the staff, but I don't expect you to tell either. Maybe when you feel comfortable."

God, I loved her.

I smiled softly, and she squealed in delight.

"My brother is getting married!" she announced, her brown eyes twinkling with happiness.

Despite the heaviness in my chest, I felt a sudden burst of excitement rush through my bones, immediately lighting up my mood.

"What! Really! The day is finally here!" I shouted in delight.

She had told me about her brother showing interest in some girl from his university, and she had promised that she'd drag me all the way to Pakistan just to attend the wedding.

Deep down, I was certainly looking forward to it, because the thought of being familiar and knowing my best friends family, religion and culture really was exciting for me.

"I cannot wait for you to come to Pakistan!" she squeals, squeezing my hands.

I grin.

The door unlocks followed by a very pissed off boy, as known as Trevor, barging in. Here we go, I prepare myself for his sudden wrath.

"Is there a party going on? For heavens sake, this is a Goddamn hospital, so mind keeping your voices down?"

I knew I should have glared at him, warned him with my eyes, but it was written clear across his forehead that he was relieved to see me smile. So, I left the matter to Bilkees.

"Trevor, honey, I dare you keep yourself calm for 2 minutes," Bilkees mocked, rolling her eyes at him.

"If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut, sweetheart," he tossed back as he flopped down on the sofa.

And then Bilkees continued with her stories of the engagement party of Abdullah (her brother) that she missed. Throughout, I kept on nodding robotically after every now and then but even she knew I wasn't really paying attention to her.

The whole time Trevor had been gazing at me. I could feel his eyes burning through my skin, and seeing through my soul. Although I kept sneaking glances at him, and once he even caught me which brought a smug smirk on his face that I so wanted to slap away, this felt normal.

Like we were supposed to be like this. Like we were made to be like this. Maybe Cupid had finally decided to give us hints.
Guess who's here?
Omg me!
What a shocking news!
Anyway lol hope you're enjoying my story so far and it's bearable.
Lots of love! And study hard, kiddos!

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