Chapter 27

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It felt like a hole was punched through my heart. Old memories came rushing back, crushing me in the process. Every gasp for breath filled my eyes with a fresh set of tears.

"Lee?" Trevor breathes out, hesitantly stepping forward.

My hand flies to my mouth on impulse. My chest aches from years and years of pain, as I take in every inch of his form. Mature and muscular. Strange yet familiar. Guilty but hopeful.

Hope, but for what? For another chance at friendship? One more chance for forgiveness? Although every second that passes is a knife to my happiness, it still sparks hope inside me. Hope for being whole.

He is reaching forward but I am inching back. My body shivers as the sky starts pouring. What can I say about myself, when even the clouds can't bottle their tears? The harsh wind envelops me, taunts my flesh so much that goosebumps appear, until my quiet cries turn hysterical. I drop on my knees and sob with my face buried in my hands.

"Go away!" I cry. "Just go and leave me alone! Please!" They're making everything so hard for me. There's an edge to desperation, even denial and I know I am not the only one getting shattered here. "If either of you touches me, I will scream until people gather around, so don't you dare come near me!"

All my life I had never received a fathers love, because he married some idiot after leaving my mom. He left us with nothing, but my brothers helped our mom so much when they still were so young. When I was a baby. Apart from all this, through all this darkness, Trevor was sent as a torch against my ill-lit heart. 

My brothers became his best friend. Who would've ever thought Trevor would be my best friend more than he was my brothers? Did I really think the so called 'Cupid' would make us soulmates? That's all stupid. Idiotic, because there is just one God who created everything. And he alone should be worshiped. Everything is already pre-planned by god. He has already written our life partners, and He loves His people more than anything.

"Leah, you have to hear me out." Hunter sounds broken. Destroyed. Ruined.

But I've had enough of this, enough of all this boy drama. I am ready to move on. Hunter played a sick game with me by bringing Trevor here.

The clouds had stopped pouring and so did my eyes. I sniff, loud, and disgustingly wipe my nose with my sleeve. I couldn't care less. Careful to avoid Trevor who is stood to my left, I look up at hunter. His head is dropped forward and he looks guilty. He damn well should.

"You knew he was going to be here all along, didn't you?" My heart quickened its beating. He wouldn't meet my eyes, and it is unbecoming. "You can't even look at me. Do you realise what it took for me to find my way out of the dark, how difficult it was to crawl out of the pith-black darkness that clouded my mind? You don't, Hunter!" My eyes burn hot with anger. I hoist myself up and close the distance between us. "I agreed to share my life with you, agreed to be your partner, and this is what you do?"

I reach out an open palm towards him. 

He lifts his gaze to my hand.

"The ring. Give me. Now." So I can throw it in some bin.

And then he's pleading. "Leah, I am so sorry. but you know this, deep down there's a part of you that knows you wouldn't be happy with me. Right?" My eyes widen in horror. "You keep telling yourself that you can move on but he is what you want."

Anger flares through me, so powerful that I curl my fists into tight balls. Inhale through my nose. Blow out through my mouth. How dare he make such assumptions about me when he doesn't know a single thing?

"That's the problem with you guys," I mock laugh, finding no energy within myself to raise my voice. In my favour, the heavy rainfall stopped to a soft pitter-patter, securing my arms tightly against my chest to block out the chilly breeze. "I was actually happy. I know it is hard to believe  that after all I've been through, finding happiness would be like salt in sugar. Very difficult to look for." He looks pain stricken. "When you asked for my hand in marriage, I was delirious. Content. I was so stupid to believe it could all work out perfectly."

He is shaking his head continuously, a lone tear rolling down his cheeks. "Leah please--I beg you to list---"

"Don't," I warn, stopping him from reaching forward with a palm held out. 

I know Trevor is silently watching us. I can feel his gaze on me. It is so heavy and just. . . depressing. But I can't face him, because I am a coward. Not now, not ever.

This situation that I am being thrust  into has my head fogged up, making it extremely difficult to focus on anything. It's like I am cursed by someone who really despises me, like, loathe my presence. I just. . . can't seem to be happy. This sadness just won't go away. It's clinging to me like a drenched garment.


I turn around to the voice of my brother--Julian running towards me with a furious expression. The unshed tears at last come gushing out. I run towards him.

"I will kill both of you!" he yells, grabbing my hand and shooting daggers at the boys. I still don't look over at Trevor. "I will do whatever it takes to ruin your worthless lives!" He is shaking with anger. "Get out of our lives!"

And then we're going away 

From my former best friends.



Oh my God. It is so hard to type out everything! The only reason why it takes so much time for me to upload. Anyway, thoughts on my book so far? I am all ears. 

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