Chapter 19

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I am speechless.

"It's so hot!"

Hot? What is hot? An understatement. Although I was prepared for the humidity, I want a few more minutes to get hold of myself. I can already feel myself sweating like I just ran a marathon under the scorching sun.

Feeling overly warm, I immediately roll up my sleeves and fan my face and holding the bags is just worsening it more.

"Don't complain," Bilkees grins, obviously amused by our state of shock. "Ahmar would be here soon." Ahmar, her eldest brother.

"What's his deal?" Hunter whispers, bringing his face close so nobody could hear us. Not that anyone could amidst so many people at the Allamah Iqbal InterNational Airport.

I follow Hunter's gaze.

And want to roll my eyes so bad.

He's shooting daggers at the men who have their eyes glued in our direction, some staring at me, others just at all of us. When is he ever going to grow up? Not so soon, I am sure.

"He's busy glaring," I chuckled. Hunter winked in response.

I turned into a tomato.

Overall, I was happy being here, except for the male species. They just. . . looked at me with a dirty gaze. Not all of them, but a few who probably had nothing else to do. Back home it was always freezing cold at night, but the temperature here made my skin happy.

"Who the hell is he?" Gunner frowned as he swinged his arm around me shoulder.

I mouth dropped open. Yeah, who really is he?

"Ladies and aggressive gentlemen," Bilkees announced, "meet my brother, Ahmar Khan."

Um, woah. I really did not expect this.

He's tall, like very tall and I know he'll hover over me. Perks of being short. The way he's walking, it's like he owns this area or something. His stride, so cocky. And let's not forget the huge smirk.

I wasn't expecting him to be so handsome.

"Assalamoalaikum, joonam." He engulfed his sister in a big hug and squeezed her to the point where she had to hit him continuously.

A smile crept up on my face. I probably looked stupid and creepy-ish.

"بس کرو، اھمر!" Bilkees replied in what was french to me.

I guess it's called Urdu.

I felt a familiar presence beside me, like . . . home. I was too scared to look beside me, mainly because if I was right it was Trevor, I was in deep trouble. Why did he have this effect on me, why did he have to spread an aura of safety around him? Or was it just me being a total idiot?

I didn't want to ruin this amazing trip, so I stepped forward and held my hand to Ahmar with a goofy smile on my face.

"Hi, it's really nice to meet you," I chirped.

Ahmar's lips curved into a smile that was warm and friendly. Now that I was closer to him, I noticed he had slightly silky light brown hair and the same brown eyes like Bilkees. He had a scruff which honestly suited him. I guess that was the reason why he looked beautiful.

As predicted, he was doing a great job of hovering over me. Although it made fear crawl up my legs, I stood with confidence.

"You're gorgeous."

Err, definitely did not expect these to be the first words.

His eyes widened as if he himself realised what he said and jerked his arm back. I chuckled and was dead sure resembled a red rose.

I bit my lip. "It's fine. I know I am gorgeous," I said, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Okay now enough with everything. Let's go because I am dead," Trevor snapped and started walking in the other direction, as if he had any idea where he is going.

We all rolled our eyes.

I noticed he forgot his phone which was in my hand. I decided to call Mom as my very own battery had died.

As I typed in the password, all the oxygen left my lungs and my body trembled with hurt and pain.

His photo album was opened.

A picture.

Of him and Zachary.
I am back after ages. Guess who has her exams going on? ME!
The next chapter is going to be interesting and sad and heartbreaking
So stay tuned

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