Chapter 26

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I felt this familiar kind of happiness when my eyes got blessed by seeing Trevor, but the tables have turned now.

My smile turns big and happy as I run towards Hunter, delirious.

"Hey, beautiful," he chirps, ruffling my hair. He gives me a small smile, and knowing his limits steps back. Slips his hands in his pockets and just. . . grins.

Being with him never made me suffocate, neither did they ever choke my happiness. But being with others always had this impression on me.

"Hey yourself."

"How are you doing?" he asks, eyeing me curiously.

I raise a brow. "Uh, good?" His expression takes a quick change. "What's the excitement about?"

His face breaks into a goofy grin. I frown, knowing damn well what he did. Surprises and Hunter? They never go well.

"God, Hunter. Please tell me you didn't," I groan. He laughs, swinging an arm around my shoulder in a friendly way and leads me outside to where his jeep is parked.

"Ask me if I did." He opens the passenger door, gestures me to sit inside. I oblige with a dramatic bow. He bends over till his eyes are level with mine.

So, I ask it. "Did you, Mr Hunter, buy me another one of your filthy, rich, unnecessary presents?" I cannot help the smile that's on show right now. He's like one of those rare people who bring smiles on our faces without even trying.

I urge to see that smile, so when I get one, I am content.

"Yes. Any problems?" I roll my eyes playfully, but the half smile gives it away. He chuckles.

Once he's behind the wheel, I ask, "I hope if wherever we're going, getting late isn't a problem?"

He winks. "We have all the time in this world."

We don't. But I don't say anything throughout the entire journey.


The soft pitter-patter of the rain was like a warm hand placed on my cold heart. I welcomed the warmth of the Sun with open arms and shut the doors for anxiety forever. Nonetheless, this weird, unwelcoming feeling still remained in the pit of my stomach. Although I could feel the warmth seeping through my flesh, it never reached my heart.

We walk side by side, (we're at our local park) but not in touching distance. I don't want to get closer to a man who isn't my husband, as I want to do everything how God has told us to do.

Strange, right? This sudden change in me, but what can I say? I've been spending a lot of time with Bilkees and she makes my day by reciting translation of The Holy Quran. It's beautiful, honestly.

"Where'd you go?"

He was settled a few feet away from me; both of us sheltered by the huge tree. I clutched my stomach, suddenly feeling nauseous. Something isn't right.

I shake my head in an attempt to empty my mind from the uninvited thoughts that always shadowed my head and made it difficult to focus on anything.

"Just. . . thinking," I admit.

He nods, like he expected this answer and it doesn't surprise him anymore that instead of enjoying reality, I'd rather daydream.

"Thinking is good," he nods, as he bends forward and picks up a tiny rock of the grass. "But overthinking is bad." The rock lands beside my legs.

I smile, looking down. He chuckles, somehow very amused.

"Why are we here, Hunter?" I ask, darting my eyes from left to right, finding the empty park strange because it's not even raining anymore.

When I look at him, his smile fades away faster than wisps of smoke. My heart skips a beat.

"What is it, Hunter?"

He drops his head, and sighs. Bringing his knees close to his chest, he wraps his arms around them, rocking back and forth. I watch the scene unfold before me; dumbfounded.

"Hunter," I speak hesitantly. "You're scaring me."

Pain shoots through me when he raises his head, and it's then I really notice the purple bags underneath his eyes, the redness that blankets them, giving away how much he is sleep deprived.

What happens next makes me burst out into tears. He slips his hands inside his jeans pocket and retracts a small black velvet jewellery box.

I'm overwhelmed with emotions. So much that I start sobbing as I put my head in my hands. Is he going to slip a ring into my finger? Am I finally going to be engaged?

"Leah—God—no it's not what you think!" he utters immediately, panic clear on his face.

And that catches me off guard.

His eyes travelled above my head, with a strange sadness coating them.

Ever so slowly, I willed my head to turn around, hope igniting within my heart.

The oxygen left my lungs.

Standing before me was Trevor, barely recognisable anymore.

Why is he back after so many years? Why now? Why now, when I was finally moving on?

I felt sick.

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